Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
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A Strategic Partnership: Empowering Christian Education Through Biblical Financial Stewardship Training

The partnership between the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Ron Blue Institute marks a significant step in enhancing financial education within Christian schools. Rooted in a shared vision and a commitment to biblical principles, this partnership aims to provide students with a Biblical Personal Finance Curriculum that gives them a comprehensive understanding of money management through a distinctly Christian worldview.

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Rejuvenating Others in Education

Dr. Jenny Sue Flannagan has been an educator for 32 years, but in a way, this past school year felt like her first. Flannagan began as a science teacher in 1992 and is currently an Associate Professor in Regent University’s Education Department, where she helps prepare the next wave of educators.

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Leaders Share Best Practices in Preparing for a New School Year

We asked leaders to share some of their best practices in preparing for the new school year. Here's what they shared!

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ACSI Speaker Elisabeth Jochum on Navigating the Challenges of Early Childhood Education

As the landscape of education rapidly evolves, so do the challenges faced by educators, particularly those working with young children. In a recent conversation with consultant and speaker Elisabeth Jochum, we delved into the intricacies of early childhood education and the critical role faith plays in navigating its complexities.

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ACSI’s PFO2Go Online Course Seeks to Fill Gaps in Preparation for Overseas Appointments

Imagine you’re a Christian teacher, eager, confident, and sensing a call of God. You’ve earned your degree and your teacher license, you have a couple of years in the classroom under your belt, and most recently, you landed that dream job of teaching abroad in an English-speaking, western-curriculum, international Christian school this fall.

 Featured Event

  Featured Event


Public Policy & Advocacy Summit

Washington, D.C. | September 16-18, 2024

Join us in Washington, D.C.! Our annual Public Policy and Advocacy Summit will be held in Washington, D.C., September 16-18. This year's special professional development summit will include panel discussions on important legislative issues, special guest speakers, and so much more. Limited seats are available, so register now!

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Public Policy & Advocacy Summit
  Blog and Podcast


Educating Students in Caribbean and Central American Countries

Cultural Integration of International Students
Robin Hom | August 26, 2024

Many Christian schools have taken on the profound calling to minister to international students. These residents of other countries attend school in the United States on a special visa, often seeking a better education than they would receive in their home country. As Christian educators, our goal should be to minister to these students in a manner that goes beyond academics. 

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ACSI Podcasts

Grafted Together Ep 8: A Pathway towards Biblical Unity

Jerry Nelson | August 26, 2024

Dr. Matt Daniels is the Distinguished University Professor of Law, Political Science and Human Rights at Anderson University. He discusses biblical unity and lessons from the civil rights movement on the Grafted Together Podcast.

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Larry Taylors Picture

President's Office

“I can think of no greater cause than to partner with you to advance Christ-centered education.” Dr. Larry Taylor, ACSI President & CEO

Dr. Taylor has been serving in education for over 30 years. He is passionate about training up this generation of disciples for Jesus Christ through Christian education.

Prior to accepting the President position at ACSI, Dr. Larry Taylor served twenty years as the Head of School at Prestonwood Christian Academy (PCA) in Plano, Texas. Prestonwood Christian Academy serves more than 1,600 students enrolled at four campuses as part of its school system. 

Click the link below to read more.


Visit the President's Page

ACSI's Mission

ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.



ACSI's Foundational 3 Pillars



Leading Christ-centered education toward excellence and flourishing

We want all schools to aspire to, achieve, and remain committed to a biblically-based philosophy of education, standards that are measurable, and flourishing-related criteria. ACSI strives to lead, support, and serve Christian schools, and educators, by placing them on a path of growth and flourishing using the research-based Flourishing Schools Initiative. This model should link leadership and faculty professional development accreditation, and every culture-driving component of a school. A common philosophy, and a flourishing-based metric, would unify our efforts of advancing Christian schools and educators.




Making Christ-centered education available and obtainable

ACSI is committed to making Kingdom education available to as many children and families as desire it, believing that such an education offers students an opportunity to grow in a loving relationship with their Creator, come to know His saving work through Jesus, and flourish in His Ephesians 2:10 calling for their lives. This commitment requires removing barriers to access for those who traditionally have not benefited from Christian school, as well as seeking out new ways to create access points to Kingdom education and the ability to thrive and be successful in that education—for all those who desire it.




Promoting and protecting Christ-centered education for today and tomorrow

As the largest evangelical Christian school association in the world, ACSI is by default viewed as the spokesperson for Christian schooling in the public square. In order to discharge this responsibility with excellence and seasoned speech (Colossians 4:6), and to equip our member schools to do the same, ACSI must invest in developing public-facing resources and forming strategic relationships with those working in the area of advocacy for Christian Education and for religious liberty.


Stay Connected to ACSI

Community Network

ACSI Community Network Image


The ACSI Community online forum exists to provide connection, collaboration, and networking with Christ-centered education advocates, educators, and influencers in a protected online environment.   

 ACSI Community offers Christian educators opportunities to Connect, Collaborate, Compel, Captivate, and Comprehend. Join thousands of like-minded education professionals around to globe to grow in knowledge, sharpen skills, and deepen your faith, in a safe, authentic virtual environment.

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Career Center


ACSI provide helpful tools for you to find the next position God has for you through a resume review search and career planning portal. You can also discover ACSI positions.

Thinking about serving internationally? PFO2Go will provide the confidence to enter a new culture in which to both work and live outside the United States. Also, don’t miss the International Schools Job Fair.

Go to the ACSI Career Center  

News & Press Releases

Christian Schools From Around the Globe Join in ACSI’s Annual Day of Prayer

Feb 21, 2024, 09:59 AM by Caitlyn Harding

Colorado Springs, CO- Thousands of Christian educators and students from around the world will join in celebrating the seventh annual ACSI Day of Prayer on Tuesday, February 27.

The ACSI Day of Prayer is one of the Association’s most popular events, focusing on advancing Christ-centered education through prayer. ACSI President & CEO Dr. Larry Taylor looks forward to the unification of schools around the world through prayer.  

“Now more than ever, there is an increased global desire for Christ-centered education, which is an encouraging trend to witness,” he said. “This not only showcases God’s faithfulness this year, it also reminds us to live in a constant state of praise, grateful for God’s provision and enduring love.”

The theme for this year’s Day of Prayer is “Faithfulness,” emphasizing the importance of God’s steadfast love and unchanging character. According to the website, the Isaiah 25:1 theme reminds individuals that God has a special plan and purpose for each and every one of them.   

Mike Epp, ACSI Senior Vice President of Global, believes this event marks a beautiful, renewed commitment to worshipping God and seeking Him wholeheartedly.  

“ACSI’s Global Day of Prayer is a profound demonstration of how we are unified, through Jesus Christ, to the passionate mission of teaching and discipling children to fully know Him,” he said. “We chose the theme ‘Faithfulness’ because of God’s constant faithfulness and to salute the perseverance and sacrifice of thousands of educators around the world who deliver the message of His love through their work.”

Schools can participate by submitting their prayer requests through the electronic form, which allows requests to be visible publicly on the ACSI website. They can also download the prayer guide, containing prayer station ideas and thematic Bible verses, to host an in-house Day of Prayer with their school communities. 

In 2023, Christian educators from more than 58 countries participated in the Day of Prayer, including Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, India, and many more. This year, schools from more than 38 countries have already submitted their prayer requests.

Schools creatively structure their in-house Day of Prayer gatherings. In 2023, educators shared their celebration ideas on social media, including school-wide Chapels, Day of Prayer tent stations, art and music projects, and more. 

Taylor said the theme of “Faithfulness” has perhaps never been more timely.

“God’s faithfulness throughout the past year at ACSI is apparent as we look at the many Christian educators that are being strengthened across the globe,” he said. “This year’s Day of Prayer will be a catalyst to unite educators in different cultural contexts through the power of prayer. It will be a time to thank God for His continuous faithfulness in bringing the love of Christ to schools and their surrounding communities.”

ACSI member Eastside Christian School participated in the 2023 Day of Prayer. Head of School Dr. Tiffany Stark shared their experience: “Our school loved participating in the ACSI Day of Prayer. There was a reverent attitude among our students as they stepped away from their regular classroom routines to join with schools across the globe to seek the Lord. Students from every grade level led our student body in prayer for our school, community, nation, and the world. What a gift to be part of an organization that aligns with the heartbeat of our school! Thank you, ACSI!”

To learn more about Day of Prayer, visit the website or contact ACSI Care Team by calling (800) 367-0798 or emailing

Strategic Partners

ACSI proudly presents the Strategic Partnership Program, which includes companies, organizations, and ministries who have been carefully chosen to benefit you—our member schools—and to assist you in accomplishing your life-changing mission.

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