Welcome Teachers
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Christian School Teachers

Christian School Teachers
What a tremendous calling to be a Christian school teacher! You are literally God’s agent in the classroom infusing biblical truths into a child’s heart and mind. We are praying those seeds to grow into life-changing transformations
for Jesus Christ! At ACSI, we are here to support your important work through relevant resources, professional development, and more!
We offer collaboration safely inside our ACSI Community, individual membership such as Early Educators
to meet professional licensing requirements, and fun student activities to expand learning beyond the classroom.
Thinking about teaching?
You might be interested in our higher education student individual
membership to begin networking and growing professionally before you graduate. Or, if you are thinking about teaching or working outside the United States, consider our PFO2Go resources to prepare your heart and mind for international service.
We invite you to explore the tabs to the left to learn about resources for Christian school teachers.
ACSI Career Center
ACSI provide helpful tools for you to find the next position God has for you through a resume review search and career planning portal. You can also discover ACSI positions.
Thinking about serving internationally? PFO2Go will provide the confidence to enter a new culture in which to both work and live outside the United States.
ACSI Community
ACSI Community
Community opens the door to ideation, collaboration and innovation with your peers around the world making us all Stronger Together. Take a moment to check out the Getting Started information under Community Help, and Engage!
ACSI PD (Professional Development)
We are committed to helping you advance Christ-centered education by providing access to professional development opportunities in several ways.
- ACSI Online PD offers convenient, on-demand learning with 24/7 access to over 500 hours of content through an annual subscription. With select courses free for members and multiple subscription options, this platform offers on-demand professional development to fit you and your school's needs. ACSI members can also enjoy select courses for free. Already have a subscription? Log in now to explore!
- PD by Design offers flexible training offering a site license option for an entire team to view together.
- Teachers, at Flourishing Schools Institute (FSi) in Houston you will have the opportunity to learn from dynamic keynote speakers and attend a variety of breakout sessions that address the construct of: Holistic Teaching, Stress, Mentoring Students, Engaged Learning, and Resources (Technology).
- Other free webinars are available from the Colson Center, our Student Assessment Program and Purposeful Design Textbooks.
- There are also wonderful ways you can learn through ACSI teacher resources.

Spiritual Formation
ACSI Spiritual Formation crafts and facilitates Spiritual Formation tools, resources, events, and conversations to equip Christian educators to grow in love & truth, foster community, engage in discipleship, serve as Christ's ambassadors, and pursue Christlike unity. Visit acsi.org/spiritual-formation to learn more.
ACSI Teacher Certification
Just as we encourage our students to grow and become life-long learners, it is important that you grow and continue to flourish as well. Through ACSI, you can apply or renew ACSI Teacher Certification after meeting the professional and biblical requirements.
Christian Educator's Membership
Whether you are employed at a nonmember Christian school, not current teaching yet seeking professional growth or employed at a public or charter school, ACSI wants to support you through the Christian Educator Individual Membership. Through this annual
membership, you will have access to the ACSI Community, timely communications, online resources, research, and thought leadership.
Likewise, early educators may find an individual membership beneficial to meet state licensing CDA requirements.
The ACSI Early Educator membership is an annual membership for a faith-based individual teaching or helping children from birth to third grade.
Early Education Support
As a Christian school teacher, we desire to equip and support you serving the youngest learners from birth to age 8. Join our ACSI Early Education team along with early education program administrators, owners, directors, curriculum specialists and others by sharing ideas and challenges in a like-minded, Biblical community through monthly Early Education Leadership Network opportunities with ACSI Early Education Director Dr. Althea Penn or U.S. divisional Leader Connect opportunities. We also invite you to bring your team to professional development events and encourage them to join the ACSI Online Community for ongoing collaboration.
Educational Resources
ACSI is committed to providing educational resources to help you and your school community flourish.
The ACSI Online PD platform offers individual and schoolwide subscription options, along with standalone courses to help you tailor your professional development. ACSI members can also enjoy select content for free, covering essential topics like biblical worldview integration, classroom management, and standardized testing. With more than 500 hours of best practices and inspiration, the ACSI PD platform provides on-demand professional development that fits your schedule.
To help you measure instructional effectiveness, the ACSI Student Assessment Program provides a full-service program that includes discounts, professional development, and program support. Summative and formative as well as college/career readiness best-in-class assessment solutions are available.
Need to provide student credit recovery or supplemental learning? Sevenstar provides solid, biblically based academic resources to meet a wide range of educational needs.
We believe that a
textbook is a tool in the hands of a teacher to help you achieve the desired educational outcomes of your students. Purposeful Design Publications, a division of ACSI, provides
academically rigorous textbooks that are intentionally rooted in biblical truth to equip you with best practices and solid instruction to eternally transform the hearts and lives of children.
Finally, ACSI provides a variety of resources available for purchase.
Events for Teachers
Coming together to learn and collaborate is often a treat for teachers! ACSI is excited to provide you rich opportunities in the 2023-2024 school year:
- Early Education
- Dates are set for in-person workshops and our virtual conference with our theme “Rooted. Reimagined. Reignited.”
- Flourishing Schools Institute
Come experience what it means to be part of a school community that is flourishing. Gain perspective, cultivate community, and discover how to apply research-based principles in your everyday teaching activities to radically transform your school culture.
- Student Assessment
- Join us for upcoming live professional development webinars on formative and summative assessment training.
- Join us for upcoming live professional development webinars on formative and summative assessment training.
- Rooted: Educators Worldview Summit
- Educators around the world are asking how to more effectively engage students in the spiritual formation journey and develop deep roots in a biblical worldview. ACSI and the Colson Center have partnered together to offer a "worldview summit" to answer this learning question and provide valuable resources.
- Educators around the world are asking how to more effectively engage students in the spiritual formation journey and develop deep roots in a biblical worldview. ACSI and the Colson Center have partnered together to offer a "worldview summit" to answer this learning question and provide valuable resources.
Find Your Office
ACSI is privileged to be a part of God's robust worldwide movement in Christian schooling. Use the link below for more information on our Country and Regional Offices, International Schools, and US Divisions information.
Flourishing Journey
The Flourishing Schools Journey involves every member of a school community. From measuring flourishing through the Flourishing School Culture Instrument, to attending the teacher track at the Flourishing Schools Institute (FSi), to reading Flourishing Together, you can be part of transforming your school culture for the glory of God.

Click on the image above for a larger view.
GRAACE Initiatives
ACSI GRAACE Initiatives connects and equips educators serving educationally disenfranchised children (whether by their Gender, Race, Ability, Academics, Culture, or Economic Status). Our goal is to empower educators to provide all children
with an education that is distinctly Christian.
Higher Education
Many ACSI higher education member institutions offer special opportunities for Christian school teachers, staff, and leaders, helping them further their professional and personal growth. These opportunities often include Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and courses that count toward advanced degrees, supporting their ongoing development in both their careers and faith. Learn what opportunities are available to you.
Individual Membership
Whether you are employed at a nonmember Christian school, not current teaching yet seeking professional growth or employed at a public or charter school, ACSI wants to support you through the Christian Educator Individual Membership. Through this annual
membership, you will have access to the ACSI Community, timely communications, online resources, research,
and thought leadership.
Likewise, early educators may find an individual membership beneficial to meet state licensing CDA requirements. The ACSI Early Educator membership is an annual membership for a faith-based individual teaching or helping children from birth to third grade.
Educator Worldview Summit '25
ACSI and the Colson Center have partnered together to offer a “worldview summit” to provide valuable resources for a) developing a Christlike culture, (b) facilitating healthy faith formation, (c) providing tools to engage secular ideology, and (d) expanding best practice around a clear and consistent application of the Christian worldview.
Student Assessment Program
The ACSI Student Assessment Program can help you improve instruction by using formative, summative or college/career readiness assessments. Our team can provide consulting to know what products may be the most beneficial for your school. Measure biblical literacy to inform instruction through the ACSI Bible Assessment. This stand-alone standardized test is now available in an online or paper/pencil format.
Student Leadership & Learning
Student Leadership & Learning
Enhance learning beyond your classroom by providing academic and leadership experiences that will enrich students in a variety of ways.
Support for Your School
You could live in Georgia… the country or the state! No matter where you are on the globe or the educational environment you are leading, ACSI wants to come alongside you to support advancing Christ-centered education.
Additionally, we want to come alongside you with prayer support. While we have an annual Global Day of Prayer, below you can leave current prayer requests knowing that an ACSI team member will be praying for you.
Finally, if you have a question or need assistance in any way, reach out to our ACSI Care Team via email or phone. Visit our contact us page for more details.