US Divisions
During a ministry-wide strategic planning process the need to increase our ability to reach our member schools was highlighted. Part of the reimagining of our organizational goals included transitioning from serving Christian schools through an eight-region model to a more streamlined and efficient divisional model that relies on the strategic deployment of field directors and trained volunteers across the country. The Western, Central, and Eastern Divisions will allow us to make staff who belonged to regional teams available to members outside those regions. It will help us address much of the redundancies and duplication of effort that characterized the old regional set-up, which will lead to better stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to us.
Advancing Kingdom education excellence is what makes ACSI an organization your school community can rely on. With a desire to optimize stewardship of staff, skills and services to ACSI member schools, we have created a divisional model for developing grass-roots engagement. This will provide strategic deployment of field directors and trained volunteers across the country for better local school support.
Western Division
USA Divisional Offices
Dr. David Balik
Vice President / USA Office: