Parents & Students
Biblical Personal Finance Curriculum By Ron Blue Institute
Student Apologetics Conference
Keynote sessions
Small-group breakouts
Collaborative sessions
Student Leadership & Learning Podcast
Create enriching experiences beyond the classroom and explore ways to maximize the impact of educators and develop student leaders
Welcome Parents & Students
“We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:4

Even though your baby never came home with an instruction manual, God’s Word is the best guide for parenting. At ACSI, we believe education is best from a biblical worldview. We also believe in educational freedom and parent-school choice because you know your child far better than anyone else. Whether you wish to learn more about ways to fund Christian schooling for your child or resources such as textbooks or online learning you can use at home, ACSI is here to help you on your parenting journey.
We invite you to explore the tabs to the left to learn about resources for parents.
Children's Tuition Fund
Children’s Tuition Fund (CTF), a ministry of ACSI, supports and advocates for educational choice and innovation through scholarship tax-credit programs that provide parents the opportunity to choose an education that is the best fit for their children.
Educational Resources
ACSI is committed to providing educational resources to help you and your child.
Measure biblical literacy to inform instruction through the ACSI Bible Assessment. This stand-along standardized test is now available in an online or paper/pencil format.
Sevenstar provides solid, biblically based academic resources to meet a wide range of educational needs from student credit recovery and supplemental learning to complete online learning.
Many homeschool families enjoy Purposeful Design textbooks created by ACSI because of hands-on learning activities intentionally rooted in biblical truth to eternally transform the hearts and lives of your children.
Faith Teaches
Faith Teaches in Every Moment, Every Day and Every Way.
Through God’s original and best design, parents, both a mother and father, are the primary teachers to infuse biblical faith in a child’s life. We believe that parents should be supported by both a strong church and Christian education community.
Find a Christian School in Your Area
Search for schools in the US by selecting the map or using the zip code / radius search. Locate schools outside of the US or search for them by name.
Flourishing Families
Flourishing Families equips schools to empower parents and guardians in their God-given role to disciple their children with ongoing support from their Christian school and church community.
Homeschool Family Membership
Participate in ACSI Student Activities and learn best practices for educating your child through the ACSI Homeschool
family membership. This annual membership provides access to quality, engaging experiences for your student as well as important information to be the best parent educator for your family.
School Choice
As a parent, school choice is an educational freedom that you have. Ed Choice (2023) says that “school choice allows public education funds to follow students to schools or services that best fit their needs.” At ACSI, we believe that Christian education is the best choice whether that is part of a private Christian school, home school or another educational environment.
Reference: Ed Choice. (2023). What is school choice? Ed Choice.
The Importance of Christian Education
You have 6,570 days from birth to age 18 to train up your child in God’s ways.
While that stat many seem daunting, it’s the everyday moments of intentional investment that will shape your child’s spiritual formation and lead them to know, love, and follow Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
God has wired you with unique talents and giftings to use for His glory! We believe your education will help mold you into the Christ follower you are called to be. From student activities, international travel experiences to scholarship opportunities, ACSI is here to provide you with ways to flourish.
We invite you to explore the tabs to the left to learn about resources for students.
Higher Education Opportunities
As a higher education undergraduate or graduate student working on an education related degree, you may find it beneficial to begin networking with other educators and gaining access to current research and thought leadership. Learn more about the Higher Education Student membership. Also, read about the graduate student research protocol for doctoral dissertation work.Scholarship Opportunities
You can continue your Christ-centered education after high school at a Christian university. ACSI has a list of scholarship links for your to consider.
Student Leadership & Apologetics Conferences equip students with an understanding of the role apologetics plays in their leadership influence. If we are going to prepare our students to engage their culture for Jesus, we must equip them with the Truth found only in God’s Word.
- March 14, 2025 | Federal Way, WA
- April 10, 2025 | Aurora, IL
Student Leadership & Learning
Equipping students to utilize their God-given gifts and abilities to impact this culture for Christ is the goal of Student Leadership & Learning. By creating immersive and interactive experiences, we provide students with valuable skills such as creative thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and service. Through participation, students discover their unique talents, reinforce their biblical worldview, and increase their cultural influence for Jesus. Get involved today!
The Great Commission Project
The ACSI Great Commission Project is a life-changing learning experience where you can be the hands and feet of Jesus through service, connecting with another ACSI school located in the area, and gaining valuable cultural experience in another country.