US Map with Western States Highlighted

Western Division

Western Division

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming | 714.256.1287


Kati Melton

Thank you for visiting our website! Whether you’re a valued member, a dedicated partner, or simply exploring ACSI, we’re so glad you’re here. My prayer is that you find encouragement, inspiration, and the resources you need to thrive within our Western Division family. I am here to walk alongside you, to listen, and to help in any way I can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out—I would love to connect and support you in your ministry. Be sure to explore the Resources menu for tools and support tailored to your needs. I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for our division as we continue to impact the Kingdom together. We truly are stronger together!

Kati Melton
Senior Director, Western Division

Announcements - Western Division


Seaside Leadership Retreat & Roundtable

Join us for our annual Leadership Retreat & Roundtable April 6-8, 2025 in Seaside, Oregon!
This year's theme is Catalyst: Strengthening Your School's Operations and Finances. 

Learn More & Register

2025 Leadership Network Meetings

ACSI Leadership Network Meetings are an opportunity for you as a school leader to meet together with local peers to build connections and learn together. We will be hosting live, in-person events as well as virtual events beginning in August 2025.

Find the location nearest you and save the date

Early Education: Anchored

Be anchored in God’s Word, Biblical teaching and leadership principles and practices.

Join us for Biblically integrated, competency aligned, and evidence based professional development opportunities. Cast your anchor ⚓ with us.

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ACSI's 2024-2025 Events

Mark Your calendars now with ACSI's 2024-2025 Events

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