To leverage the Flourishing School Culture Model in your school, start by implementing the Flourishing School Culture Instrument — a multi-stakeholder assessment that will deliver valid, reliable scores and benchmark comparisons.
The instrument comes with a robust set of sample messaging and fielding recommendations for how to roll out the assessment smoothly.
Exploring culture constructs with insight from multiple perspectives helps ensure results that are not skewed by a single group, thereby getting you contextualized insight that provides a rich, 360-degree picture of your school’s culture.
The FSCI has the potential to engage the full spectrum of your school's stakeholders (as available), including:
Teachers • Support Staff • Board Members • School Leaders • Parents • Students • Alumni
Once your data collection is complete, the online platform generates a customized school-level report you can use to identify priorities and develop strategies for reaching them.

Your School
can flourish.
Assess, understand, and gain new vision for your school’s culture.
Register Your SchoolIf you would like more information about the Flourishing School Culture Instrument, please contact us at

"The report our school received was really helpful as we plan for the future of our school. We are using the information gleaned to ensure that our school doesn't just survive, but thrive."
Dean Ridder, Head of School — Isaac Newton Christian Academy in Cedar Rapids, IA
"If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit."
(John 15:5b)