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Professional Development for Early Educators

Early educators and anyone who influences young children are called to let the gospel light shine in our lives to serve as a beacon of hope for those we teach, lead and impact. Whether you are an administrator, early educator, early elementary educator, involved with your children’s church ministry, or parent, we invite you to join us for this exciting opportunity to fan into flame and REIGNITE your passion for teaching and leading young learners.


This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you... 2 Timothy 1:6 (NLT)



Mark your calendar and make plans to be anchored in your calling! 

2024-2025 Training Events

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Workshops and Conferences provide up to 6 clock hours of training. A workshop offers a deep dive into a specific topic with one main presenter. A conference offers a variety of topics taught by a variety of presenters. Leader Summits also provide up to 6 clock hours of training with sessions for leaders. 


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Network with Christian leaders and broaden your leadership skills while collaborating with like-minded peers. Learn More!

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We have a great opportunity to shepherd children and families in truth of who they are and how they were designed to flourish. Be rooted in truth, reimagine potential and REIGNITE your calling to teach and lead children. Engage with experts in the field of early childhood training and education who will share research-based insights. Grow in understanding for how children learn and how to meet their needs spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically, and cognitively.

Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for the upcoming ⚓ANCHORED events so that you can grow in your passion of leading and teaching young children!


Thank you for being a part of the 🔥Reignite events and growing in your profession as an educator. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming professional development ⚓ANCHORED events. 

What did participants have to say about the Reignite events?

"It was one of the best ACSI conferences I have attended. From the worship to the keynote to the presentations to the new campus"

"It was so nice to get out and meet other Christian Schools that struggle with what we see on a daily basis. I know I am not alone now and its everywhere. I loved hearing how others handle certain situations."

"I can't think of anything that could have been implemented better. I loved how we were constantly engaged. I never lost interest or focus which is uncommon for me"



Questions? Contact ACSI Early Education at
