Cindy Dodds: Pioneering Flourishing Initiatives in Christian Education
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In a recent interview with Cindy Dodds, ACSI Chief of Flourishing Initiatives, we gained insights into her journey, the pivotal role she plays in integrating flourishing research into Christian education, and how she became a key figure in shaping the future of Christian schools worldwide.
From Public to Christian Education
Dodds' journey from the realm of public education to becoming a significant figure in Christian education has been marked by an unwavering commitment to spiritual formation, continuous growth, and professional development.
Dodds’ foray into the field of Christian education began when she realized that her children needed to be in a Christian school. A move from Nebraska to Pennsylvania offered this opportunity and a fresh start for the entire family.
With her kids enrolled in a Christian school in the south hills of Pittsburgh, the sponsoring church wanted to start an early education program. Dodds was a perfect fit for the position with her background in early and special education. She helped develop the program and it rapidly expanded from six to 96 students in just three years.
Turnaround Schools and Sustainability Models
Next, Dodds became the interim head of the K-12 program for what she described as “a school in need of a turnaround.” Lacking a good sustainability model, Dodds created one while getting heavily involved with the tax credit program in Pennsylvania. She then began recruiting students for her school who would otherwise miss out on a Christian education by utilizing the state’s tax credit program.
After seven years, Dodds accepted a position at Penn Christian Academy (PCA), an elementary school that “also needed to be turned around,” she said. During her 13 years there, the student body grew by 200%. At the beginning of her tenure, there were no scholarships; 13 years later, there was $300,000 of scholarship funds available and a successful $2.1 million campaign for an outdoor ecosystem and science lab, advancing the school’s academic programs.
ACSI and Flourishing Schools Research
It was then that ACSI’s USA Director, Dr. Steve Dill, recruited Dodds to be a field director for ACSI’s Children’s Tuition Fund. While continuing to work at the school, she also served as a field director for the northeast region and was on the founding board of Cornerstone Wilson Christian Prep School, helping it get started.
“As a field director, I really enjoyed working face to face, with boots on the ground, assisting in the development of schools,” Dodds said. “It was all about helping schools grow. My priority was continuous school improvement.”
After retiring from PCA, Dodds came on board full-time with ACSI as the Northeast Regional Director. In this role, she was the accreditation director and field director. Her passion was then—and still is—helping schools continuously grow and improve.
When ACSI needed a Director of Professional Development, interim president Dr. Stephen Reel appointed Dodds to the position as an interim. Dodds was the Northeast Regional Director and Director of Professional Development until ACSI President & CEO Dr. Larry Taylor, thrilled with her leadership ability, appointed her as the permanent Director of Professional Development.
ACSI’s Flourishing Schools Research was rolling out at the time, and Dodds “could see the potential it would have if ACSI was able to create pathways for Christian schools to put it into practice.” The Flourishing Schools Institute was created under Dodds’ leadership. Collaborating with educational leaders nationwide, Dodds’ team crafted outstanding professional development programs aimed at advancing flourishing initiatives in schools.
The Inspire Protocol and Integration with Accreditation
Now in her role as ACSI’s Chief of Flourishing Initiatives, Dodds' latest efforts, along with her team, came with the integration of the new Inspire Protocol into accreditation processes, aligning accreditation with flourishing constructs and domains.
Dodds envisions a future where research-based alignment to flourishing principles revolutionizes Christian education globally. Her goals include the creation of white papers and literature reviews for each flourishing construct, turning them into actionable plans through professional development events. She also aims to transform teacher certification, producing educators who are strong in spiritual formation and the key elements of flourishing right from the start.
ACSI’s Vision 2030 and Practical Goals
With ACSI’s Vision 2030 on the horizon, Dodds outlined concrete goals for the flourishing initiatives. These include specific strategies for new fields for ministry, teacher leader pipelines, missional partnerships, digital educational resources, and programs like Leadership University, all aligned with flourishing principles. She envisions alternative models for teacher certification, creating educators strong in spiritual formation and flourishing.
“Ultimately, we want students to flourish biblically,” explained Dodds. “If you look at the flourishing schools culture model you discover that when schools flourish, then educators flourish. And when educators flourish, it leads to the flourishing of students, transforming their lives in preparation for success in life, but more importantly for Kingdom impact. It's why I got into Christian education in the first place. I was looking for something Christ-centered for my own children and now I’m looking at my 17 grandchildren and want the same for them. In fact, I want to see all children flourish biblically ... to know our Savior, to fall in love with Him and to live their lives for Him. It’s why we chose our flagship verse: Psalm 115:14, May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children.”