Administrator Dr. Glenn Slater Shares His Experience at the Public Policy & Advocacy Summit

June 21, 2024
summit ppla
ACSI hosts a Public Policy and Advocacy Summit annually. Head Administrator of Covenant Christian School in Conroe, Texas, Dr. Glenn Slater, has attended the Summit for several years and shared his testimonial.

I have attended the Public Policy and Advocacy Summit for the past 13 years representing two different states. While I have had a myriad of great experiences during this time, it all boils down to one thing: Relationships. The Summit has afforded the opportunity to get to know colleagues in Christian education from around the country and this has been a tremendous encouragement. How would a guy from Texas ever be able to develop a great friendship with a fellow Christian school administrator in California? We remain close to this day. 

In addition, being able to be informed by leaders from organizations such as the Alliance Defending Freedom have opened my eyes to the very compelling issues of our time. I will never forget the words of David Trimble from the Religious Freedom Institute who last year reminded all of us, “Education is the incubator of culture.” The speakers and seminars have also motivated me to get involved back home at the local level to be a voice for truth in my community. As a result, I have developed many important relationships with local governmental officials.

And, perhaps most importantly, the relationships I have formed with members of Congress and their staff have been very fulfilling. It has been a blessing to share my heart as a Christian educator with these individuals who make so many important decisions that affect millions of students. Knowing these members of Congress and their staffers by name has allowed me to specifically pray for them each day. While we often don’t see direct results of our labors, I believe that God wants us to be salt and light to our national leaders regardless of the results.

For the sake of relationships, let me encourage you and challenge you to attend the ACSI Summit!  

dr glenn slater

Glenn Slater, Ph.D.
Head Administrator
Covenant Christian School
Conroe, Texas