Northlake Christian School: A Decade of Pro-Life Advocacy and Impact
January 24, 2025
By: Dr. Sean Englert, Director of Spiritual Life at Northlake Christian School
Northlake Christian School has had an active student-led, faculty-sponsored pro-life club on our campus for more than a decade. This club's regular activities include: student volunteering at the local crisis pregnancy center; participating in annual prayer marches that are hosted in the local community; writing encouraging notes and providing blessing boxes to the nurses in the NICU department of our local hospitals; attending the annual March for Life rally in Washington, D.C.; and raising awareness on campus thereby being a strong advocate for the rights of the unborn. This year's trip to D.C. was unfortunately cancelled due to a once-in-a-hundred-year winter storm that swept our region. We had 10 inches of snow in southeast Louisiana, making it impossible to get to the airport! Despite our inability to get to D.C., our school is actively staying involved in the pro-life movement and plans on continuing the tradition of attending the March for Life rally each year.