Higher Education

Welcome to ACSI Higher Education

Institutions of Christian higher education have a crucial role in training future leaders, educators, and workers for service worldwide. They commendably fill this role and continue to meet the critical need for well-trained, biblically sound teachers, administrators, leaders, and others.

As colleges and universities seek to be effective in preparing young hearts and minds for their vocations, ACSI desires to assist in that process and partner with higher education institutions worldwide. ACSI membership offers Christian colleges and universities the opportunity to engage their EE–12 colleagues in a variety of settings. ACSI member colleges cooperate in the Distinguished Christian High School Student Program and the Higher Education Accreditation Program.

Higher Education Accreditation Program (HEAP)

The Higher Education Accreditation Program (HEAP) is offered to currently accredited ACSI member Christian liberal arts colleges, universities, and Bible colleges. Colleges and universities seeking to participate in the program must give evidence of a commitment to preparing teachers and administrators to serve in Christian schools and must show they are encouraging their graduates to prayerfully consider serving in Christian schools around the world.


ACSI Launches the Great Commission Project and Strategic Partnership with Joshua Expeditions

Nov 2, 2021, 08:33 by Caitlyn Harding

Colorado Springs, Colo. – The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) is partnering with faith-based global travel organization, Joshua Expeditions, to advance the Great Commission Project—a mobilization effort for thousands of member school students to share their faith.

ACSI President Dr. Larry Taylor believes this partnership will provide ACSI students, faculty, and parents life-changing experiences.

“Teaching Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8, the biblical directive of the Great Commission, is vital, but leaving the classroom and chapel lessons and serving Christ in the field is transformational,” he said. “It ignites the hearts of the people hearing and responding to the gospel as well as the students sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.”

Both organizations share a common mission to help students grow in their relationship with Christ and to share the gospel across the globe.

Joshua Expeditions CEO Amir Mahadi looks forward to the impact this opportunity will have on hundreds of students.

"As Christians, we are called to take the gospel to every corner of the world,” he said. “We’re elated to join another Christ-centered nonprofit organization in combining our ministry resources to accomplish the Great Commission through ACSI's global outreach."

Destinations will initially include Uganda, Nigeria, Hungary and the Dominican Republic. Several other locations in Latin and South America, Asia Pacific Region and the 10/40 window will be added in the future. Although the pandemic restrictions will limit the launch, both organizations are preparing the logistical details.

Joshua Expeditions will also enhance this global travel by offering high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors dual-credit college courses. Students will be able to select from five course options including Humanities/Aesthetics, Oral Communications, Christianity, and Culture, Spanish 101, and English Composition.

Taylor is passionate about equipping students with the wisdom and tools they need to be ambassadors for Christ.

“The Great Commission is a commandment for this generation just as it was for the disciples when Jesus first spoke the words,” he shared. “ACSI is honored and excited to partner with Joshua Expeditions for this cause.”

To learn more about this partnership, visit acsi.org/greatcommission or contact ACSI Care Team by calling (800) 367-0798 or by emailing careteam@acsi.org.

To learn more about Joshua Expeditions, visit their website.

About ACSI:

Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. ACSI advances excellence in Christian schools by enhancing the professional and personal development of Christian educators and providing vital support functions for Christian schools through multiple services including teacher and administrator certification, school accreditation, legal/legislative assistance, and curriculum publishing. ACSI supports more than 5,000 member schools throughout the United States and around the world, which collectively serve approximately 1.2 million students. Through additional training programs, materials, and expertise provided to other educational groups worldwide, ACSI’s overall influence and positive impact reaches more than 26,000 schools operating in 100 countries, together serving 5.5 million people.

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