
Christian College Scholarships & Programs for Students & Educators

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / Academic Support Programs / Higher Education / Christian College Scholarships & Programs for Students & Educators
For ACSI Member School Graduates

At ACSI, we believe a Christ-centered education doesn't have to end after high school graduation. In fact, attending a Christian college or university enables students to further strengthen their biblical foundation as they prepare to serve God and others in their vocation and ministry. Christian college scholarships for ACSI school students, offered by our member colleges and universities, is a valuable way to assist Christian school families in providing a K-16 Christian school experience for their children.


For ACSI Member School Graduates




Arizona Christian UniversityYESYESArizona Christian UniversityScholarship available to Christian School graduates who have attended a Christian School that is part of our Christian Schools Coalition Scholarship Program (CSCSP) - *Not applicable to honors scholar students or student-athletes
Barclay CollegeYESYESBarclay CollegeFull Tuition Scholarship for all students living on campus
Belhaven UniversityNOYESBelhaven UniversityWe teach all of our classes from a Christian perspective. All undergraduate and graduate classes integrate faith and learning We want to tell you more! Contact us today!
Biola UniversityYESYESBiola University

Biola University offers department scholarships when students begin credential coursework in their second year of college. Please see the departmental scholarships for Education at the bottom of the scholarships and discounts for high school student graduates page, here.

Bob Jones UniversityNOYESBob Jones University

Click here for online, dual enrollment options. We offer a one time, first year scholarship of $1,000 to those awarded the "Distinguished Christian High School Student Award." This is for those admitted into a full time program here on site.

Cairn UniversityYESYESCairn UniversityCairn University students earn more than a professional credential--they develop a rock solid foundation for all of life and learning. Our competitive tuition rates and financial aid packages help to make your graduate education affordable wit the additional convenience of the option of an online experience or on campus! Learn more at
Central Christian College of KansasNOYESCentral Christian College of Kansas 
Colorado Christian UniversityYESYESColorado Christian UniversityColorado Christian University offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree program options including Early Education, Elementary Education, Special Education, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education. 
Columbia International UniversityYESYESColumbia International UniversityCIU offers a $1000 tuition discount to graduates of ACSI schools. 
Dallas Baptist UniversityNOYESDallas Baptist UniversityDallas Baptist University is an intentionally Christ-centered university whose focus is to please God above all else and to develop Christian servant leaders through a transformative educational experience. Academic and Christian Service scholarships (among others) are available as well as dual enrollment opportunities.
Grand Canyon UniversityNOYESGrand Canyon UniversityGCU offers more than 225 academic programs, including 175 online programs, across nine colleges. All of GCU’s scholarships are automatically renewed every year as long as the student maintains enrollment eligibility in their program and, if necessary, maintains other eligibility requirements.
Kentucky Mountain Bible CollegeNOYESKentucky Mountain Bible CollegeKMBC offers discounted tuition rates for Dual Enrollment, Academic, and Ministry Involvement Scholarships. They offer a 17% of tuition Discipleship Scholarship.
Lancaster Bible CollegeYESYESLancaster Bible CollegeLBC offers a $2,000 renewable scholarship for any Christian school graduate.
Maranatha Baptist UniversityNOYESMaranatha Baptist UniversityMBU offers Dual Enrollment to high school students looking to earn college credit while in high school.
Northwestern Nazarene UniversityNOYESNorthwest Nazarene University

The majority of students enrolled at NNU do not pay the full sticker price! In addition, 33% of our students graduate with NO DEBT at all. In the 2022-23 academic year, the average scholarships and grants an incoming student received was more than $23,000 and the average loan package was just over $3,000. Financial aid opens the door to your future at NNU.

We believe a Christian education is worth the price, but we don't want you to do it alone. Through the efforts of hundreds of generous donors, academic scholarships are made available to incoming students as part of a financial aid package. Eligibility is based on specific criteria and need-based assistance is also available to those who qualify.

Pillar CollegeNOYESPillar College 
Providence Christian CollegeNOYESProvidence Christian CollegeProvidence Christian College is a classical liberal arts college in Pasadena, California. Providence is rooted in the 16th Century Protestant Reformation tradition, and we believe that God's Word is inerrant, infallible, and the foundation for a comprehensive worldview. Our goal is to prepare students to be virtuous citizens; future leaders who are engaged in Christ's church, their community, an the world for the glory of God and service to humanity. 
Shasta Bible College and Graduate SchoolNOYESShasta Bible College and Graduate School 
Tabor CollegeYESYESTabor CollegeTabor College offers ACSI graduates a Christian High School Grant up to $12,000 in addition to academic scholarships.


For ACSI Member School Educators

In some cases, tuition discounts and scholarships are extended to your broader school community. For example, many Christian institutions of higher education also provide offerings to Christian school teachers, staff, and leaders that enable them to continue growing in their professional work and lives. These offerings can also include CEUs and coursework toward advanced degrees.


For ACSI Member School Educators


Advanced Degrees WeblinkNotes
Barclay CollegeYESYESNONOBarclay College 
Baylor's Center for Christian EducationNOYESNOYESBaylor Center for Christian EducationThe 9-month virtual network is comprised of nine (9) 90-minute virtual sessions. The primary outcome will be ongoing networking that supports you and your classroom plan for the school year.
Belhaven UniversityNOYESYESYESBelhaven University

We teach all of our classes from a Christian perspective. All undergraduate and graduate classes integrate faith and learning. We want to tell you more! Contact us today!

For more information regarding CEUs, please click here.

For more information regarding scholarships, please click here.

Biola UniversityYESYESNOYESBiola University

For more information regarding advanced degrees, please click here.

For more information regarding scholarship opportunities, please click here.

Bob Jones UniversityNONONOYESBob Jones University 
Cairn UniversityYESYESYESYESCairn UniversityCairn University students earn more than a professional credential--they develop a rock solid foundation for all of life and learning. Our competitive tuition rates and financial aid packages help to make your graduate education affordable wit the additional convenience of the option on an online experience or on campus! Learn more at
Cedarville UniversityYESYESNONOCedarville University 
Central Christian College of KansasNOYESNONOCentral Christian College of Kansas 
Colorado Christian UniversityYESYESNOYESColorado Christian UniversityCultivate your mind without compromising your heart. ASCI and member school employees and spouses can take advantage of a CCU Online tuition discount. Learn more at This partnership is for ACSI member school employees and spouses only.
Columbia International UniversityYESNONOYESColumbia International University 
Dallas Baptist UniversityNONONOYESDallas Baptist University 
Grand Canyon UniversityNOYESNOYESGrand Canyon University 
Lancaster Bible CollegeYESNONOYESLancaster Bible College 
Maranatha Baptist UniversityNOYESNOYESMaranatha Baptist University 
Northwest Nazarene UniversityNONOYESYESNorthwest Nazarene University

For more information regarding CEUs, please click here.

For more information regarding advanced decrees, please click here.

Pillar CollegeNONOYESNOPillar College 
Portage LearningNONOYESNOPortage LearningPortage Learning offers faith integration in the majority of our courses and can be used by educators as practical examples of how core subjects are taught. Our Global Religions & Culture course has been particularly useful as a resource for teachers/educators wishing to broaden their subject matter expertise. There are also practical courses such as Public Speaking, Sociology, Writing/Composition, etc. that can be used at a minimum as refreshers but may also challenge and enhance a teacher's pedagogy.
Prairie CollegeNOYESNOYESPrairie College 
Shasta Bible College and Graduate SchoolNO YESNONOShasta Bible College and Graduate School 
Tabor CollegeYESNONOYESTabor College