Senior Leadership

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / About ACSI / Senior Leadership

Larry TaylorI am inspired by the faith, courage, and reverence for God by Christian educators around the world! It reminds me of the story recounted in I Samuel 17 about David defeating Goliath. In verse 29, David’s response to the inaction of his elder brothers and the Israelites especially encourages me. He boldly and nobly answers the call to action by asking, "Is there not a cause?”

I can think of no greater cause than to partner with you as you advance Kingdom education. We fully believe that authentic devotion to the Christian faith and academic excellence are mutually reinforcing. There are not two or three forms of excellence, but rather an ethos that is cultivated throughout every facet of our schools. Faith is not separated from learning but rather integrated intentionally, resulting in a distinctive Christian worldview.

Scholarship and learning become an integral component to the maturation process known as discipleship. Thus, becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, the ultimate objective of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20), is the prize for which we strive; it is the highest form of excellence! It is certainly conceivable that we could produce students with the spiritual depth needed to enter our pluralistic society and not fall prey to empty philosophies. Rather, they would be equipped to saturate the marketplace to which God has called them with confidence, purpose, and an eternal perspective.

ACSI’s ongoing mission is to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We want to serve you as you continue to cultivate and sustain a flourishing school. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you—thank you for your obedience to God’s call on your life—you are indeed making a difference.

Dr. Larry Taylor, President & CEO, ACSI


ACSI Senior Leadership


David Balik Vice President USA/Senior Director, Eastern Division

Dr. David Balik

 Vice President of USA


Gavin Brettenny

Dr. Gavin Brettenny

Chief Strategy Officer



Kevin Buelke

Chief Finance Officer


Juan Cabrera

Juan Cabrera

Chief Information Officer


Cindee Dodds

Cindy Dodds

Chief of Flourishing Initiatives


Senior Vice President of Global

Michael Epp

Senior Vice President of Global Development


Chuck Gilliam

Chuck Gilliam

Vice President of Membership and Strategic Alliances,
Senior Director, Eastern Division

Brett Henry

Brett Henry, J.D.

Chief Operating Officer

John Klingstedt - COO

John Klingstedt

Chief of Staff


Chris Loncar

Vice President, Human Resources


Christi Lynn Image

Christi Lynn

Vice President, Communications & Engagement

Jerry Nelson

Jerry Nelson

Chief Ministry Officer



Philip Scott, J.D.

Vice President for Legal Affairs


Cecil Swetland

Dr. Cecil Swetland

Vice President for Development

George Tryfiates

P. George Tryfiates

Vice President for Public Policy and Legal Affairs

Susan Verheul - COO

Susan Verheul

Vice President, Executive Initiatives

News and Press Releases

ACSI Announces Key Changes in Staff Structure, Including New Director of Digital Professional Development and Director of New Business Development for Sevenstar

Oct 17, 2024, 10:20 by Brittany Steward

Colorado Springs, CO – The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) is pleased to announce key changes in its staff structure, including the promotion of Former Instructional Designer for Professional Development Jennifer Bollinger to Director of Digital Professional Development, and the hiring of Kristy Henriques as the new Director of New Business Development for Sevenstar, a ministry of ACSI.

ACSI President & CEO Dr. Larry Taylor believes these strategic changes will position the organization for success.

“We have invested significant resources into ensuring that we not only hire qualified personnel that will help take ACSI to the next level of excellence, but that we invest in the growth of our existing employees in honor of their strengths,” he shared. “As a Christian organization, we truly do place a large emphasis on taking care of our people.”

Bollinger, who has served ACSI for 13 years, assumes her new role as Director of Digital Professional Development. She will lead the organization's efforts to provide quality digital, on-demand professional learning content for Christian educators. She will facilitate the digital development team in engaging new generations of educators with relevant products and programs through the ever-changing landscape of Christian education.

Sevenstar CEO & Head of School Brett Henry looks forward to Bollinger leading the digital professional development team.

“The digital PD platform is a central element to accomplishing many of ACSI’s Vision 2030 initiatives, and Jennifer’s leadership of the team responsible for its content will surely elevate the effort to new heights,” he said. “Among the many strengths she brings to this assignment, her long tenure with ACSI provides invaluable understanding of our culture and foundational principles that are truly irreplaceable.”

Bollinger has held multiple roles at ACSI including Instructional Designer for Professional Development, Editorial Manager, and other editorial roles in Purposeful Design Publications.

Bollinger shared her goals and aspirations for her new position.  

Jennifer Bollinger headshot 
“My vision is for ACSI PD to be the primary resource for Christian educators seeking ongoing education,” she said. “This will feature a user-friendly platform that fosters engagement and learning. My passion is to develop biblically based, exceptional content for our Christian schools.”

ACSI is also pleased to welcome Kristy Henriques as the new Director of New Business Development for Sevenstar. 

In her new role, Henriques will build, support, and lead the organization’s sales and marketing efforts by strategically expanding course enrollment in both the school and family areas.

Henriques shared her passion surrounding her new position. 

kristy h
“I'm so excited to be part of an organization that is helping students grow both intellectually and spiritually through online education,” she said. “It's been wonderful to join such a great team at Sevenstar and I'm eager to contribute to the ongoing success and growth of Christian education.”

Henriques formerly served as the Director of Digital Media at Leading the Way, during which time she helped streamline their digital infrastructure and added 1 million YouTube subscribers. She also served at Lighten Group, a non-profit start-up focused on helping to train Christians on how to answer questions about their faith.

Henry is excited to have Herniques step into the Director of Business role.

“As Sevenstar nears its twentieth year of ministry, we are at a strategic inflection point fueled by exponential growth in the non-traditional learning sector. As we reviewed our strategic planning in light of this, it was clear that new ways of attracting, capturing, and processing leads are needed for us to continue to succeed in the chapter ahead,” he said. “When we reviewed candidates for that task, it was clear that God had uniquely prepared Kristy with the skills, experience, and temperament needed to elevate this global ministry. With her help, I am confident that Sevenstar will continue to grow and expand access to Kingdom education for years to come.”