Contact Us
Our Care Team is available to assist members and customers with all matters related to ACSI Membership and Benefits, Purposeful Design Publications textbook orders, and Student Assessments, as well as general questions. Please use the form below, live chat or additional contacts. Thank you.
Care Team
Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 4:30 pm (MT, excluding holidays)
Email: careteam@acsi.org
Phone: (800) 367-0798
Fax: (719) 531-0716
Business Address
Association of Christian Schools International
P.O. Box 62249
Colorado Springs, CO 80962
Office of Communication & Engagement
(800) 367-5391
Media Inquiries
(719) 867-0243 or
(719) 867-0213
(888) 839-8101
(866) 213-7085 (Fax)
Public Policy & Legal Affairs
(800) 367-5391 Ext. 138
Live Chat
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