School Teams Flourish at FSi Atlanta
December 5, 2022
Written by Cherry Shephard, Director of Content & Development
December 5, 2022
The Flourishing Schools Institute was winding down on a pleasant afternoon in Atlanta on November 3, 2022. I watched from the hotel lobby as attendees bid farewell to each other as they departed. Walking down the main corridor, I could see that the final Learning Lab was in full session; educators were collaborating while receiving guidance to help them continue in their Flourishing journey. The ACSI team and exhibitors were busy packing away tables, signage, and resources.
Later, when the evening had settled, most people were gone, having had taken shuttles to the airport, or begun their drive home. There were only a handful of Institute attendees and ACSI staff members remaining at the hotel waiting for flights later that evening or for the next day. My flight was in the morning, so I decided to go out for dinner and upon my return it seemed especially quiet compared to the energy and excitement of the last few days of FSi.
As I walked back into the hotel and made my way to the elevators, I noticed a group of ladies in the lobby sitting at a table with documents, notepads, and iPads. They looked to be in deep conversation. I wondered if they were FSi attendees. Perhaps they were strategizing over best practices and synthesizing the material they just learned? Since the Institute had ended hours previously, I was intently curious to know if a school team decided to stay longer and dig deeper into what they learned over the past three days.
I approached them and introduced myself as the ACSI Content Director. The women responded excitedly and proceeded to share with me how blessed they were to attend the Institute. Susan Crosier, Head of School of Grace Preparatory Academy in Arlington, Texas, shared how she had learned so much and that their team had stayed late just to collaborate and prioritize the best way to bring the information back to their school. The inspiration had struck their team, and they could not wait to begin implementing all they had gleaned. She said, “Flourishing is the key to increase student success—and for us (as educators).” Their excitement was contagious! You can listen to Susan share her personal takeaway in the video below.
To learn about the next Flourishing Schools Institute, click here.
December 5, 2022
The Flourishing Schools Institute was winding down on a pleasant afternoon in Atlanta on November 3, 2022. I watched from the hotel lobby as attendees bid farewell to each other as they departed. Walking down the main corridor, I could see that the final Learning Lab was in full session; educators were collaborating while receiving guidance to help them continue in their Flourishing journey. The ACSI team and exhibitors were busy packing away tables, signage, and resources.
Later, when the evening had settled, most people were gone, having had taken shuttles to the airport, or begun their drive home. There were only a handful of Institute attendees and ACSI staff members remaining at the hotel waiting for flights later that evening or for the next day. My flight was in the morning, so I decided to go out for dinner and upon my return it seemed especially quiet compared to the energy and excitement of the last few days of FSi.
As I walked back into the hotel and made my way to the elevators, I noticed a group of ladies in the lobby sitting at a table with documents, notepads, and iPads. They looked to be in deep conversation. I wondered if they were FSi attendees. Perhaps they were strategizing over best practices and synthesizing the material they just learned? Since the Institute had ended hours previously, I was intently curious to know if a school team decided to stay longer and dig deeper into what they learned over the past three days.
I approached them and introduced myself as the ACSI Content Director. The women responded excitedly and proceeded to share with me how blessed they were to attend the Institute. Susan Crosier, Head of School of Grace Preparatory Academy in Arlington, Texas, shared how she had learned so much and that their team had stayed late just to collaborate and prioritize the best way to bring the information back to their school. The inspiration had struck their team, and they could not wait to begin implementing all they had gleaned. She said, “Flourishing is the key to increase student success—and for us (as educators).” Their excitement was contagious! You can listen to Susan share her personal takeaway in the video below.
To learn about the next Flourishing Schools Institute, click here.