Higher Education

Welcome to ACSI Higher Education

Institutions of Christian higher education have a crucial role in training future leaders, educators, and workers for service worldwide. They commendably fill this role and continue to meet the critical need for well-trained, biblically sound teachers, administrators, leaders, and others.

As colleges and universities seek to be effective in preparing young hearts and minds for their vocations, ACSI desires to assist in that process and partner with higher education institutions worldwide. ACSI membership offers Christian colleges and universities the opportunity to engage their EE–12 colleagues in a variety of settings. ACSI member colleges cooperate in the Distinguished Christian High School Student Program and the Higher Education Accreditation Program.

Higher Education Accreditation Program (HEAP)

The Higher Education Accreditation Program (HEAP) is offered to currently accredited ACSI member Christian liberal arts colleges, universities, and Bible colleges. Colleges and universities seeking to participate in the program must give evidence of a commitment to preparing teachers and administrators to serve in Christian schools and must show they are encouraging their graduates to prayerfully consider serving in Christian schools around the world.


ACSI Named Best Christian Workplace by Best Christian Workplaces Institute

Aug 11, 2022, 13:13 by Caitlyn Harding

Best of the Christian WorkplacesThe Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) is honored to be named a Best Christian Workplace by Best Christian Workplaces Institute! Participating workplaces reported strong satisfaction with team dynamics, even during the challenges of the pandemic.

Read the full press release from Best Christian Workplaces Institute on the website.

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