
Accreditation Training

Association of Christian Schools International / School Accreditation / Resources / Accreditation Training

Accreditation Training for Schools & Visiting Teams:

Below you will find videos and downloadable reference sheets for training for ACSI's accreditation protocol. If you have any questions, feel free to email your divisional Accreditation Director


NEW Inspire School Training

Inspire School Training


Accreditation Overview & Purpose


School Training 1 – Accreditation Process
Download Video Reference Sheet


School Training 2 – Inspire Resources
Our Accreditation website has been updated! 
Download Video Reference Sheet


School Training 3 – Committees
Download Video Reference Sheet


School Training 4 – Prepare Your School for Success & Self-Study
Download Video Reference Sheet
Download SAMPLE Self-Study


School Training 5 – Team Visit & Next Steps
Download Video Reference Sheet

NEW Inspire Chair Training

Accreditation Overview & Purpose



Chair Training 1 – Overview
Download Reference Sheet


Chair Training 2 – Pre-Visit and Visit Readiness
Download Reference Sheet


Chair Training 3 – Leading the Team
Download Reference Sheet


Chair Training 4 – Site Visit and Schedule
Download Reference Sheet

NEW Inspire Team Training
Accreditation Overview & Purpose


Team Training 1 – Tasks & Preparation
Download Reference Sheet


Team Training 2 – On-Site Team Visit
Download Reference Sheet


Team Training 3 – Visit Report and Wrap-Up
Download Reference Sheet
Download SAMPLE Visit Report 

General Training Videos
Higher Education Accreditation Program (HEAP)

Higher Education Accreditation Program (HEAP)