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School-Based Professional Development Overview

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / Accreditation & Certification / School-Based Professional Development Overview

Please note:    The next application window has opened and applications will be accepted and due by March 1, 2025 with the full plan being due July 1, 2025 for acceptance to begin your SBPD program in August of 2025.

The School-Based Professional Development (SBPD) program was designed to provide qualified schools, with well-developed professional development programs, the flexibility of managing their school leadership and faculty qualification and continuing education requirements through displaying a commitment to providing a quality professional development program that is intentionally aligned to schoolwide goals and measured for effectiveness. An approved plan can be used in lieu of K-12 faculty and administrator certification to fulfill ACSI accreditation requirements (REACH indicators 4.4 and 4.6; Inspire indicator 12.2). There is an application fee as well as an annual fee in order to participate in the SBPD program.

There are two steps to receive full approval of the school’s plan.

Step 1: Complete the School-Based Professional Development Program Application

This brief application contains several Yes/No questions, with various follow-up questions, and will allow ACSI to determine if the school has the necessary elements in place in order to successfully operate an approved SBPD plan. 

Step 2: Complete the School-Based Professional Development Plan

The school will complete the full SBPD plan after being notified of acceptance into the program. The plan document will ask the school to describe the following:

Section 1: Needs Assessment

Section 2: Goals for Professional Development

Section 3: Required Elements

Section 4: Content and Activities

Section 5: Leadership & Continuous Improvement

Section 6: Measurement & Evaluation

Section 7: Accountability & Reporting

For more details, see School-Based Professional Development Details or email

School-Based Professional Development Program