COVID-19 Resources
ACSI Public Policy & Legal Affairs team is actively looking at issues related to the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak that impact Christian education. This page is designed to give you current, relevant information and is updated as new information unfolds.
On this page you will find resources for the following topics
- CARES Act and Implementation – Education funding (ESSER), Governor’s fund (GEERS), GEER II, Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS), American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and other aid programs
- PPP Loan Program
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act – sick leave, paid family leave,
- Other Funding/Issues
- Health/Safety
- Public Policy/Legal Affairs Briefings for Educational Leaders (webinar recordings)
- ACSI Legal Resources
- Third Party Resources
- CDC and other Guidelines for Schools and Child Care
- USA State Regulations
- USA Federal Regulations
OSHA / ETS Vaccine Testing Mandate
CARES Act and Implementation (ESSER, GEERS, GEER II, EIDL, EANS, ARPA)
- 11.17.21 - ACSI - Memo: Summary of COVID Relief Resources
- 09.17.21 - USDE - UPDATED FAQ's for EANS as Authorized by CRRSA Act and the ARP Act
- UPDATED GUIDANCE 06.17.21 - ACSI - COVID Relief - Emergency Connectivity Fund Program - ECFP - May 2021
- 05.10.21 - BMWL - The Employee Retention Credit - A Potential Source of Sizable Federal Aid
- 04.30.21 - USDE - USDE EANS Homepage
- 03.11.21 - ACSI - Memo to Schools EANS II in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
- 02.05.21 - ACSI - UPDATED Memo Regarding Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS)
- 01.08.21 - USDE - Sample letter to Governor to Request Funds
- 01.08.21 - USDE - GEER II Fact Sheet
- 01.08.21 - USDE - GEER II EANS Methodology Table
- 01.08.21 - USDE - USDE FINAL EANS Certification and Agreement FY21
- 01.08.21 - USDE - Announcement of EANS
- 12.22.20 - ACSI - Memo to Schools on New Round of COVID Relief
- UPDATED GUIDANCE 10.09.20 - USDE - Updated ESSER FAQs Due to Invalidated IFR.
This document revises the guidance previously issued on April 30, 2020. - 12.15.20 - ECFA - The CARES Act and New Charitable Contribution Rules
- 09.25.20 - USDE - USDE Will Not Appeal Court Ruling on IFR
- 09.14.20 - USDE - IFR No Longer In Effect
- 09.04.20 - ACSI - Memo on Lawsuits Regarding CARES Act ESSER Funds
- 04.27.20 - ACSI - Memo Regarding New USDE CARES Act Funding Announcement
- 04.13.20 - USDE - CARES Act Education Stabilization Fund Home Page
- 04.08.20 - ACSI - Memo to School Leaders on CARES Act Education Stabilization Fund
- 04.07.20 - SBA - COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application
- 04.05.20 - Key Guidance - ACSI - CARES Act Guidance for Faith Based Schools: Additional SBA Guidance on PPP and EIDL Programs
- 04.05.20 - ACSI - UPDATED The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Update
- 04.04.20 - Key Guidance - SBA - FAQ Regarding Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in the PPP and EIDL Loan Programs
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Program (PPP)
- 01.06.21 - SBA - PPP Second Draw Loans
- 01.06.21 - SBA - PPP as Amended by Economic Aid Act
- 01.06.21 - SBA - Guidance on Accessing Capital for Minority, Underserved, Veteran and Women-Owned Businesses
- 10.09.20 - CapinCrouse - Simplified Forgiveness of Loans of $50,000 or Less & New Guidance on Deferral Period for Loan Payments
- 08.11.20 - SBA - FAQs Regarding PPP Loan
- 08.06.20 - Gammon & Grange - SBA Releases PPP Loan Forgiveness FAQs
- 06.26.20 - Gammon & Grange - New Easier to Use PPP Loan Forgiveness Application
- UPDATED 06.11.20 - CapinCrouse - On Monday, the SBA and the U.S. Department of Treasury provided some clarification about the new Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act. Learn more in our updated article
- UPDATED 05.19.20 - CapinCrouse - First Look at Applying for PPP Loan Forgiveness
- 04.13.20 - JDSupra - PPP Loan Forgiveness: Further Guidance on the Math
- 04.07.20 - Nutter - 3 Steps (and a Calculator) to Help Determine Forgiveness for Your PPP Loan
- 04.06.20 - Nussbaum Speir Gleason - The SBA Addresses Religious Liberty Concerns Around Coronavirus-Related Government Aid
- 04.03.20 - SBA - FAQs Regarding Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in PPP and EIDL
- 04.03.20 - SBA - SBA Interim Final Rule on Affiliated Churches and Schools
- 04.03.20 - CapinCrouse - Summary of Paycheck Protection Program Loan Regulations
- 04.02.20 - ACSI - SBA PPP and Christian Schools Guidance on Loan Application and Forgiveness
- 03.31.20 - US Treasury Guidance includes SBA PPP Loan Application
- 03.30.20 - Sherman & Howard - CARES Act: Key Differences: PPP and EIDL
Other Funding/Issues
- 11.12.20 - CapinCrouse - IRS Provides Guidance on W-2 Reporting of Deferred Employee Payroll Tax
- 09.04.20 - ACSI - Memo Regarding Deferral of Social Security Payroll Taxes – COVID Relief
- 06.01.20 - FEMA - COVID-19 Fact Sheet Public Health Emergency:
Coordinating Public Assistance and Other Sources of Federal Funding - 04.14.20 - CapinCrouse - IRS Releases Guidance Regarding Deferral of Employer Payroll Taxes Under the CARES Act
- 03.31.20 - FEMA - COVID-19 Fact Sheet Private Nonprofit Organizations
- 03.18.21 - HelpAdvisor - 2020-2021 Flu Season: A Complete Guide to the Flu Vaccine
- 12.17.20 - Fisher Phillips - Top 7 Things You Need To Know As EEOC Says Employers May Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines
- 12.07.20 - Liebert Cassidy - Permissibility of Requiring that Employees Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine
- 07.17.20 - TX Attorney General - Guidance to Religious Private Schools for Fall Reopenings
- 06.26.20 - Sample COVID-19 Notice and Release for K-12 Students/Parents
Public Policy & Legal Affairs Webinars for Educational Leaders
- ACSI hosts Legal Briefings focusing on Impacts new legislation have on Christian Schools
- Clarify laws that are already in place
- Discuss rapidly evolving issues
Past Webinars
- January 29 - Current Status Update Re: COVID Relief / Emergency Assistance - Recording and Slides M
Third Party Legal Resources
- 10.22.20 - Fisher Phillips - CDC Updates COVID-19 Testing Guidance For Employees And Students
- 09.08.20 - Fisher Phillips - To Play Or Not to Play: Advice For Implementing Athletics In The COVID-19 Era
- 05.22.20 - Fisher Phillips - Back-To-School FAQs For Educational Institutions During The COVID-19 Era
- 04.02.20 - Fisher Phillips - CDC’s Updated Return-To-Work Standards May Be Helpful To Businesses
- 04.02.20 - Fisher Phillips - An Employer’s Step-By-Step Guide To COVID-19-Related Tax Credits For Paid Leave
- 04.02.20 - Fisher Phillips - Top 10 Things Employers Need To Know About DOL’s New COVID-19 Rules
- 03.26.20 - Sherman & Howard - Where to Hang a Poster When Employees Work From Home
- 03.26.20 - CAPE - Congressional Response to COVID-19
- 03.20.20 - Fisher Phillips - Comprehensive COVID-19 Strategy Plan For Independent And Private Schools
- 03.17.20 - Liebert Cassidy Whitmore - The Importance of Force Majeure Provisions in Light of the Coronavirus
- 03.09.20 - Liebert Cassidy Whitmore - Legal FAQs for Private Schools on Responding to the Coronavirus Outbreak EMPLOYEE ISSUES
- 03.09.20 - Liebert Cassidy Whitmore - Legal FAQs for Private Schools on Responding to the Coronavirus Outbreak STUDENT ISSUES
- 03.02.20 - Fisher Phillips - 10 Steps Schools Should Consider Taking Now
CDC and Other Guidelines for Schools and Child Care
ACSI Legal Resources
- 01.11.21 - ACSI Legal Alert: Updated Information Regarding EANS
- 07.17.20 - ACSI Legal Alert for California Schools Reopening
- 04.17.20 - Are you Downsizing Because of Lower Enrollment?
- 04.05.20 - UPDATED Key Guidance - ACSI Updated Guidance on COVID-19 Coronavirus Response Act
- 04.03.20 - School Data, Student Privacy, and Child Safety During COVID-19
- 04.03.20 - Virtual Classroom School Policy Updates
- 03/31.20 - ACSI Updated Transcript of Legal Update on COVID-19 Issues for School
- 03.27.20 - Early Ed & Child Care Waiver Release for Parents
- 03.27.20 - Key Guidance - Options and Considerations: Tuition and Staffing Concerns During COVID-19
- 03.15.20 - Tuition and Staff: What Happens During a Pandemic Closure?
USA State Regulations
USA Federal Regulations
- 12.16.20 - EEOC - What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws
- 07.22.20 - DOL - UPDATED COVID-19 and the American Workplace
- 07.22.20 - DOL - UPDATED COVID-19 and the Fair Labor Standards Act Q&A
- 07.22.20 - DOL - UPDATED COVID-19 and the Family and Medical Leave Act Q&A
- 04.29.20 - EPA - Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools and Homes
- 04.10.20 - DOL - FFCRA Questions and Answers Table of Contents and FFCRA: Questions and Answers
- 04.03.20 - USDE - COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for School Personnel
- 03.29.20 - DOL - Families First Coronavirus Response Act Notice – Frequently Asked Questions
- 03.25.20 - DOL - Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements
- 03.25.20 - DOL - Families First Coronavirus Response Act - Employee Rights Poster