Flourishing Devotionals

Nine devotionals by our 2021 Flourishing Schools Institute faculty. Aligned with the five Flourishing domains, these videos and documents can be used for personal reflection or for group devotions.

Well-Being One-Sheet

A quick reminder to Savor the Moment with four easy to follow steps. This well-being one sheet can be shared with staff and posted in offices and classrooms as a reminder to be intentional.

FSCI Leadership Report

Released in early 2021, this report focuses on how the findings from the Flourishing Schools research can be utilized by school leaders to develop their own practices that lead to flourishing-related outcomes for their schools. Learn more about how specific leadership practices promote flourishing.

FSCI National Report

This report from 2019 contains the analysis work from the first administration of the Flourishing School Culture Instrument. Focused on confirming reliability, validity, linkages to outcomes, and identifying validated constructs, this report looks at how the outcomes support many of the school improvement practices typically undertaken in a Christian school, providing a measurable signpost on a roadmap towards flourishing Christian schools.

FSCI Independent Review

A summary endorsement from Cardus provides a more rigorous and thorough examination of a research instrument than the peer review process. This one-page document shares the mechanism and results of the review performed on the ACSI Flourishing School Culture Instrument (FSCI).

Sabbath Practices and Well-Being in Christian Schools

In this blog post, Rian Djita takes a look at how the COVID pandemic impacted the well-being of all within a school community. In the results, promotion of a particular view is not the goal. Rather, practices in place are looked at to explore any correlations with well-being. Strategies are shared to help schools with purposeful Sabbath practices.

Leadership for Flourishing Schools

ACSI Blog post that takes a look at the new report coming from ACSI Research focused on the practices that ensure flourishing-related outcomes. Focuses on both the “what” and the “how” using practical steps.

Flourishing Christian Schools: Insight from New Research

Flourishing Christian Schools: Insight from New Research ACSI Blog post that reviews research quantifying the attributes of schools that flourish. Asks and answers:

  • How do Christian schools flourish
  • What elements of school culture contribute to flourishing, and do some elements matter more than others
  • Is there a roadmap to school flourishing that can be validated by empirical research in Christian schools
Flourishing Together: A Christian Vision for Students, Educators, and Schools

An ideal resource for professional development and strategic planning, Flourishing Together persistently adheres to the principle that “anything that is work building cannot be built alone.” Thus, the vision for flourishing here is one in which the school community is understood as an interconnected ecosystem, in which “each one’s flourishing is dependent on their flourishing together.” Accordingly, teachers and administrators will be inspired and equipped to reshape their schools as places where they – alongside their students – can flourishing together in a community of abundant life.

Moving Forward Flourishing Series Podcast

How do Christian schools truly flourish—especially amid ongoing challenges and unprecedented opportunities in education? The Moving Forward Flourishing Series podcast features Dr. Lynn Swaner, ACSI’s Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer and architect of ACSI’s Flourishing Schools Research, as she engages leaders, experts, and practitioners in the field of Christian education to explore the findings from this landmark research.