penang malaysia 2
ICEC Asia 2025 Web


International Christian Educator Conference - Asia 2025

The International Christian Educator Conference (ICEC) is ACSI’s premier international PD event that encourages teachers and leaders working at member international Christian schools. ICEC Asia 2025 will be held at Dalat International School on 26-29 November 2025 on the beautiful island of Penang, Malaysia. This conference will showcase engaging and inspiring keynote speakers, a variety of excellent teacher-to-teacher workshops, and time for connection through small group discussions. More details to come, stay tuned!

Leaders from ALL ACSI regions are heartily invited to attend.

"ICEC is an excellent opportunity for Christian Educators to grow professionally, build connections, and be refilled spiritually. Some of my most lasting educational friendships started through attending ICEC and my ability to stay the course has been, in large part, because of the lessons learned and connections made through ICEC and ACSI."

- Mike Lucero, Head of School, Wesley School, Indonesia

speaker icon  Speakers

Dr. David Smith 

Professor of Education, Calvin University

Dr. David I. Smith began his career teaching French, German, and Russian in public secondary schools in the United Kingdom, where he became fascinated by the question of how our beliefs, values, and commitments can shape and guide our approaches to teaching and learning. After graduate work in philosophical theology, philosophy of education, and curriculum studies he moved to Calvin. He serves as the founding Director of the Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning and inaugural coordinator of the De Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development, as well as teaching in the education program. He also serves as Editor of the International Journal of Christianity and Education. He is regularly involved nationally and internationally in professional development for schools, colleges, and universities, especially focusing on the connection between faith and teaching. He has received Calvin University’s Award for Innovative Teaching as well as its From Every Nation Award for Excellence in Teaching. You can find out more about what he does at



Anna Danforth

Author of Raising a Family Overseas

Anna Danforth is an author, TCK advocate, and traveling speaker/trainer with TCK Training. As a third-culture kid growing up in Cameroon, she developed a deep passion for helping global families thrive in cross-cultural environments. Anna holds a degree in Secondary French Education and an MAEd in Instruction and Curriculum.

Married to her high school sweetheart from D.R. Congo, Anna and her husband raised their two children in Lesotho and South Africa, where they continue to work in education and training. With extensive experience as a TCK, global worker, instructor of expat families, and teacher at the Africa Orientation Course, Anna brings unique insight to her writing and training.

She is the author of Raising a Family Overseas, a practical guide for global families, and Sam’s Roommate Disaster, a children’s book that gives voice to the experiences of third-culture kids. Anna’s work equips families and educators to navigate the challenges and opportunities of living abroad with resilience and connection.

Facebook: Raising a Family Overseas



Mike Potter

CEO of Tyndale Group of Christian Schools (TGCS)

Mike Potter served as Principal of Tyndale Christian School in South Australia from 2000 to 2023 and became the CEO of the Tyndale Group of Christian Schools (TGCS) in January 2024. TGCS currently oversees four schools with a total student population of 2,500. Prior to his time with Tyndale, Mike worked in a British Christian School in the heart of Nairobi for thirteen years, the last eight of which he served as Deputy Headmaster. 

Mike is the author of two books, “We have a Voice” (2013) and “Life is Messy: Hope in Dark Places’’ (2019). “Life is Messy” documents his very personal experience of life “coming undone” and then his journey to a renewed understanding of faith, hope and love in a broken world.

Mike has been married to Dani for 40-years and they have five wonderful children, two of whom were adopted during their time in Kenya. Mike and Dani also have five magnificent grandchildren.

checklist_2666505_Icon  Registration


Conference registration will include access to all keynote sessions, workshops, coffee breaks, and lunches during the conference. Hotel accommodation/package rates and evening dinners are not included. Registration does not include preconference course registration - see the pre-conference tab for more details.


  • Come back later for pricing information



Coming Soon!


Cancellation Fees: 
ACSI REFUND POLICY: Except in cases of medical emergency, urgent family emergency, school crisis there will be no refunds for pre-registered events. If you or a pre-registered member/delegate from your school is unable to attend an event, you are encouraged to send a substitute, such as a board member, other staff member, or an interested parent. Refunds that are given are subject to a service charge of $50 per registrant, which will be deducted from the refund amount. Reach out to the Event Coordinator,, for questions.


Our peer-to-peer workshops are the heart and soul of ICEC, offering a dynamic space for educators to share their passion, innovative ideas, and successes across various educational fields. Presenting a workshop is a fantastic opportunity to inspire others and contribute to the professional growth of our community.

Interested in leading a session? Submit your workshop proposal by completing the form below.

Workshops are included with your main conference registration.

Workshop Information & Proposal Form
bed icon  Accommodation

Hotel Accommodations: 

We will have more information here soon! 

car icon Getting There
Nearest Airport: 

Penang International Airport

Getting to the Venue:

Venue Address: 
Dalat International School

Jalan Tanjung Bungah,
11200 Tanjung Bungah,
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia



More details to come!
Coming soon!
schedule icon Schedule

*Subject to Change*

Wednesday 26 Nov

08:00 – 09:00     

Pre-Conference Day
Delegate Check-in

09:00 – 16:00     

Pre-Conference Sessions

12:00 – 13:00     


 Exhibitor Setup
 Supper on your own

Thursday 27 Nov

07:00 – 08:15     

Delegate Check-In                                                   

             08:15 – 10:00     

Keynote Session 1
             10:00 – 10:30     Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:45     

Workshop Session 1                                             

12:00 – 14:00     

Job Alike Lunch

14:00 – 15:15     Workshop Session 2
15:30 – 16:30     Keynote Session 2
 Supper on your own

Friday 28 Nov



08:15 – 10:00     Keynote Session 3 
10:00 – 10:30     

Coffee Break                                           

10:30 – 11:45     Workshop Session 3
12:00 – 14:00     

Various Network Lunches

14:00 – 15:15     Workshop Session 4
15:30 – 16:30     Keynote Session 4
 Supper on your own

Saturday 29 Nov

08:15 – 09:30     

Workshop 5

09:30 – 10:00     Coffee Break 
10:00 – 11:45     Keynote Session 5
12:00     Conference Ending Lunch 


Screenshot ICEC Asia 2025 Schedule

PDF Schedule for Printing

Pre-Conf iconPre-Conference
Stay tuned for more information!
exhibitors icon  Exhibitors & Sponsors
"The 2024 ICEC Europe conference provided an excellent opportunity for spiritual renewal and lasting connections/networking within the Christian education community."
- Phil Armstrong, Dallas Baptist University, ICEC Europe 2024
We want to partner with you!

ICEC Asia provides you with an opportunity to get your product, message, degree, or opportunity to hundreds of teachers and leaders at influential, international Christian schools in Asia representing 20,000 students. Teachers and leaders at ACSI International Schools are always eager to hear about products and companies that can enhance their work of bringing Christian education to the children of the world. No matter your budget, we have a sponsorship opportunity for you. 

Coming Soon!

Why sponsor ICEC?

  1. ICEC pulls in teachers and leaders from international schools across Asia 

  2. We are expected up to 500* delegates for this conference 

  3. The delegates will represent up to 90 international Christian schools in Asia 

  4. The member schools of Asia represent approximately 20,000 students, many of whom will graduate to attend colleges and universities in the English-speaking world 

  5. International schools are looking for strong providers and partners to help them fulfill their international purpose 

  6. Your sponsorship gets your message out efficiently 

(*Early projections)

Who is a good candidate to sponsor ICEC?*

  1. Christian colleges and universities looking to recruit international students 

  2. Christian colleges offering Masters and Doctoral degrees for teachers and leaders 

  3. Online course providers 

  4. Christian education consultants and job boards 

  5. School systems management providers 

  6. International Insurance groups who serve expats 

  7. Educational training programs 

  8. Service organizations 

  9. Curriculum and textbook providers 

  10. Assessment and testing organizations 

  11. Other – reach out to us to see if your organization is a good fit to our conference 


*ACSI, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse or prohibit any vendor from participating in or otherwise exhibiting at a conference if such participation or exhibiting is contrary to or conflicts with ACSI's mission and values.


Ways to sponsor our event: 

  1. Come to ICEC and have an exhibit table (see tier level options) 

  2. Work with us to sponsor a conference SWAG item with your logo to give to every delegate (conference pen, notepad or book, bag, other) 

  3. You don’t have to attend to sponsor a swag item  

Exhibitor/Sponsor Testimonials:

"It's very inspiring to attend a conference as an exhibitor and still receive a warm and appreciative treatment."
- Sergio De la Calle, FACTS, ICEC Asia 2023

"Exhibiting at ACSI international conferences has been a great way to enable our program to serve more students and schools outside our own borders."
- Jeff Ogne, Dean of Students, Oaks Christian Online, ICEC Europe 2024

"ACSI invites exhibitors to align and unite with the mission of its schools during the days at the conference. We appreciate the togetherness and inspiration."
- Carola Ibañez, FACTS, ICEC Europe 2024

CEU icon  CEUs


You will earn valuable CEUs based on your attendance in the conference.

Don’t forget to come back here to submit them after the conference.

Testimonials Icon 2 Testimonials
Quotes from ICEC Asia 2023 & ICEC Europe 2024:

"Thank you organizers, speakers and workshop leaders. I was personally inspired and challenged afresh about my involvement in Christian education. I was reminded that we are involved in an important ministry – that of DISCIPLE MAKING."
- Trish Passmore, Springfield School, Indonesia

"I went to ICEC to learn and be refreshed, but came away with so much more. God's hand was in each connection and conversation and I came away so inspired by my fellow school leaders and called to inspire my school community back home."
- Alisha Yamamori, Yokohama Christian School, Japan

"Attending the ICEC 2023 pushed me outside of my comfort zone and stimulated my critical thinking, particularly in terms of how the impactful ideas presented can be applied to my personal life and community."
Harumdah, SPH Sentul, Indonesia

"Sometimes we can feel like we’re doing this ministry in isolation. Maybe we’re the only Christian school in our area. Coming to ICEC reminded me that I am part of this group of missionaries, educators, and people who care about international Christian education. We’re doing this kingdom work together and that’s a beautiful thing to see in such a tangible way at this conference."
- Angela Bredeman, Evangelical Christian Academy, Spain

"ICEC was a transformative experience; it was inspiring to see the unity and generosity among Christian school professionals who openly exchanged ideas, experiences, and even their failures, creating a rich tapestry of collective wisdom that empowered us to serve our students and their families more faithfully. It was beautiful!"
- Szilvi Lázár, International Christian School of Budapest, Hungary

"I loved the fellowship with people from all over the world who are on fire for the same Lord and the same big project: making disciples of all nations through Christian education. I felt like getting plate after plate from a big buffet of Christian educational wisdom and now I go home thank-full like after Christmas and will have time to digest and ruminate what I heard. My highlight was worshiping the Lord together, that was a mini-preview of heaven."
- Bettina Rose, CISP, Czech Republic

"Relevant professional and personal development for any educator. An inspirational time with old and new friends tilling similar ground. It is exciting to see all the great work happening around the world AND be encouraged personally at the same time! A balance professionally and personally like this can be a challenge to build and cultivate it and ACSI International has mastered it."
- Kristi Steele,

Exhibitor & Sponsor information coming soon!


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