Student Leadership Programs

Student Leadership Programs

Association of Christian Schools International / Student Leadership & Learning / Student Leadership Programs

The Path to Servant Leadership is a Purposeful Journey

Student Leadership Development is a purposeful journey vital for this generation. Through participation in a comprehensive student leadership development program, students are equipped with valuable skills such as creative thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and service. Students understand their God-given talents and their role in culture. They are prepared with a biblical worldview, which they utilize to increase their cultural influence for Jesus.


  • Servant/Service Leadership minded with a global approach to serving their church, community, vocation, and family.
  • Biblical worldview mindset with a steadfast commitment to absolute truth as defined by God’s Word.
  • Ability to think critically and creatively while articulating what they believe and why they believe it.
  • Ability to understand culture and positively impact it through engaging and serving others.





Student Leadership Institute

A biblically-based student leadership development program designed to assist students in cultivating and developing servant leadership skills which will equip them to engage this culture for Christ. SLi provides educators with the framework needed to implement a servant leadership culture on their campus.

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Apologetics Conference

This conference is designed to equip students with an understanding of the role apologetics plays in their leadership effectiveness. If we are going to prepare our students to engage their culture for Jesus, we must equip them with the Truth found only in God’s Word. 

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Great Commission Project

The Great Commission Project provides students the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus by immersing them in cultural global travel and ministry opportunities.

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