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We asked leaders at ACSI member schools what they love most about Christian education. Here is what they shared. 



Rick Yost

Head of School at Fredericksburg Christian School

"I tell parents all the time that if they could read the Bible overnight, they should go home tonight, read it through, then tell me tomorrow if they find anything in there about schools.  Obviously, they won't find anything. What they will find, however, are several passages giving them the responsibility to educate their children.  So, when they choose to exercise that responsibility by partnering with a Christian school, they have entered a sacred partnership.  What a privilege it is to enter into such a critical, fundamental, Biblical dynamic that is critical to the building of the Body of Christ and His Kingdom."



Nick Reeves

Head of School at New Braunfels Christian Academy 

"To wake up every day, and know the work you are doing is eternally significant, is a gift!  Educating and equipping students in such a way that turns their attention and affection to the King of Kings...what an honor.  Christian education and Christ-like educators are partnering with families to help students become humbly Christ dependent, firmly grounded in Biblical truth, and then to go boldly impact their community for Christ!"


Aurora Cowles 

Middle and Secondary English Teacher at Crook County Christian School 

“I love watching my students learn to apply their faith to their learning and how they interact with each other. I have a fantastic group of middle school students who challenge me to grow in my faith. I love teaching in a Christian school where we are focused on missions and our place in raising the next generation of missionaries. There is no better place to be than in the middle of where God has called me to be.” 


Kathy Carroll 

Preschool Before Care Supervisor at Keswick Christian School 

“So many things to love about working in Christian Education. First, is Jesus!  Being able to talk about God/Jesus with co-workers, friends, families & students.  Nothing is better than sharing Jesus!  Praying for one another, encouraging & helping our brothers/sisters in Christ.  The positive working environment without crude talk, harassment or other toxic work environments is awesome. Is it perfect, no because we are all sinners, but I thank God every day for my school & job!” 


John Stubblefield, Ed.D.

Head of School at Christ's Church Academy

"I have had the opportunity to work in both secular and Christian school environments, and while both can be rewarding, working in a Christian school is a special privilege. Partnering with parents to engage in the kingdom education of their children is both a great joy and a tremendous responsibility. While we celebrate our students' accomplishments in academics, athletics, and the arts, my greatest joy is seeing students own their faith and live on mission with Jesus."

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