Student Leadership and Learning

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / Podcasts / Student Leadership and Learning

Student Leadership & Learning

Student Leadership & Learning Director Emily Pigott explains enriching experiences beyond the classroom and explores ways to maximize your impact as an educator developing student leaders. Emily spent 20 years at South Florida Christian Academy as a teacher and principal. She co-founded the Student Leadership Academy at SFCA, later became the Executive Director at Student Leadership University, authored student leadership development curriculum, and earned a master's degree in Teaching and Learning from Southeastern University.



Student Leadership & Learning Ep 8 | The Most Critical Component of a Christian School's Mission

Lisa Kleinmann, Head of School at Southwest Florida Christian Academy, discusses how to use a student leadership culture to protect a school's culture, especially during a period of growth.

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 7 | An Often-Neglected Leadership Essential

Endurance: the capacity to bear difficult circumstances. How can educators remain hopeful with fortitude this upcoming school year? Emily Pigott encourages listeners to prepare this summer for endurance.

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 6 | Why Isn't Jesus a Big Deal in My Christian School? Part 2

Lainie Montgomery, ACSI Director of Spiritual Formation, shares practical strategies and success stories of spiritual formation.

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 5 | Why Isn't Jesus a Big Deal in My Christian School?

Jerry Nelson, ACSI Chief Ministry Officer, joins the podcast to discuss how to make Jesus the foundation of Christian education.

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 4 | Student Leadership Development - It Matters

A graduate of a Christian high school in Miami, Catherine Dorcinvil joins Emily Pigott to reflect on the positive impact of teachers and leadership development.

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 3 | An Educator's Difference

Emily Pigott discusses the importance of relationship-building in making a difference as an educator. This generation yearns for relationships, but older methods of connecting may not work as well. Watch or listen to sharpen your relational skills!

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