Applying For Certification - Early Education
Early Education (EE)
Submit the following:
- Application - Mark the area(s) of certification that you are applying for
- Application fee of $75 per area of certification requested
- Current First Aid/CPR card
- Official transcripts* from your college verifying your degree from an accredited** college/university. A minimum of an associate degree is required for an EE teacher and a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required for an EE Director.
Submit the following:
* If you are using the online application you may open your official transcripts and scan and upload them to the application.
** Accreditation must be granted by a CHEA or US Department of Education recognized agency.
(This requires a separate login from the your.acsi.org login and will open in a new browser window. Contact certification@acsi.org for assistance.)
Individuals—use Certification Review to access, view, and print your ACSI EE certificate and review your EE certification renewal/upgrade requirements online.
Administrators—use Certification Review access, view, and print your own ACSI EE certificate/requirements as well as a report of certification status and renewal requirements for your school's EE teachers.
Principles and Practices of Christian Early Education
EE Yearly Professional Development and Biblical Studies Report and Biblical Studies Report (for use by accredited EE programs)
- Coming Soon