ACSI Engagement
ACSI is at the forefront of advocating a space for Christian education. ACSI regularly submits formal communications to policymakers, elected officials, and courts which address various concerns and legislation affecting religious education, nonprofits, and religious freedom. We partner with like-minded organizations to increase our voice on important issues.
Current Issues
ACSI members are provided with frequent updates and talking points on current issues in Washington, D.C. These highlights are designed to keep you informed and give you valuable insights for prayer and interaction with legislators.
- 03.03.25 Update includes Dept of Education (USDE) memo; USDE abolition principles; new team member; state updates in IL, TN, ID; Global Day of Prayer; Summit; PPLA Webinars.
- 02.14.25 Update includes Memos to schools on EOs; school choice (ECCA) update; Hill meetings; Radio; Condolences; Day of Prayer; Summit; Legal Webinars.
- 01.31.25 Update includes executive orders on gender ideology, radical indoctrination, and school choice; National School Choice Week; Charitable Act; religious charter school lawsuit; ACSI Global Day of Prayer; Public Policy & Advocacy Summit.
- 01.15.25 Update includes the return of Congress; women’s sports victory; National School Choice Week; Educational Choice for Children Act; new PPLA teammates! State update; PPLA Webinars upcoming; Religious Freedom Day.
- 12.16.24 Update includes prayer for WI school; passing of PPLA leader; military school choice; amicus brief in Bethesda; Workshop Jan. 9, 2025; Merry Christmas!
- 12.02.24 Update includes lame duck Congress; policy during the transition; DOL overtime rule progress; DOL OT rule resources; Washington and the duty of nations.
- 11.15.24 Update includes election outcome; issues for Christian schools (religious freedom/education freedom); the lame duck Congress; and, Key 16 Prayer Card.
- 11.01.24 Update includes Election Day; Congress next steps; another Maine amicus; Latin America Leadership.
- 10.15.24 Update includes girls’ sports; South Carolina setback; opportunities in the states; Election Day is already underway in early voting states: General Election Day is November 5, 2024.
- 10.01.24 Update includes Summit 2024 success! School choice; amicus briefs to come; ACSI DOL lawsuit; Equal Campus Access Act; Congress next steps; Election Day November 5, 2024.
- 08.30.24 Update includes joining a new amicus; calling for review of Smith decision; good news on Title IX enforcement; support for military school choice pilot program; Summit registration ending September 6.
- 08.16.24 Update includes ACSI sues US DOL on Overtime Rule; DOL OT Rule resources; Good news on Title IX; Summit registration deadline fast approaching.
- 08.02.24 Update includes new limited release Title IX Webinar from ADF; Sexuality Issues in UK Christian education; Congressional recess; Summit 2024 in DC.
- 07.15.24 Update includes House passage of Title IX CRA; committee passage of early ed appropriations amendment; Congressional outlook for the year; and, Public Policy & Advocacy Summit.
- 07.01.24 Update includes ACSI Title IX legal victory; overturning Title IX reg (CRA); Title IX anniversary; state updates; a June win; Summit 2024; Independence Day!
- 06.14.24 Update includes Title IX CRA; State Updates; LLU and the Summit.
- 06.01.24 Update includes a win in court; impact of amicus briefs; Bostock’s baleful influence; State updates; ONPE equitable services webinar; Billy Graham statue.
- 05.15.24 Update includes ACSI OT Rule Webinar link; Philip Scott SCOTUS Bar admission; state updates; religious autonomy case; updated Summit speakers!
- 05.01.24 Update includes new DOL Overtime Final Rule; OT Rule Webinar; Title IX Final Rule; Religious Autonomy amicus brief; MN Human Rights Act; NDP; and last chance to save on Summit!
- 04.15.24 Update includes Congress returns; Title IX regulations; NAIA on Title IX; Cass Review (UK); State update; Beverly LaHaye; Summit Early Bird before May 4.
- 04.01.24 Update includes the Resurrection; tax exemption victory; Congress update; Sen. Lieberman; Minnesota; Virginia; Title IX; Summit Early Bird Ends May 4; History Moment.
- 03.15.24 Update includes Title IX regulations; judicial nomination results; state updates; Texas; and, History Moment, Evacuation Day
- 03.01.24 Update includes another federal extension on spending; Universal Charitable Deduction opportunity; McConnell to step down from leadership at EOY; State updates; PPLA in Brussels; PPLA open positions.
- 02.16.24 Update includes tax bill/ERTC, spending bills, State Update, Summit registration; Global Day of Prayer.
- 02.02.24 Update includes new tax exemption fix; update on tax exemption legal case; National School Choice Week; update on tax credit school choice bill; support for a 529 expansion bill; Congressional priorities.
- 01.12.24 Update includes new parental rights legislation, Congressional action, National School Choice Week, March for Life, and not one, but two(!), History Moments: MLK and Religious Liberty.
- 01.02.24 Update includes key events in January; state legislatures convening; ACSI global statement on Guiding Principles on Biblical Sexuality.
View Current Issues
ACSI is active in the legislative process by signing coalition letters, communicating with elected officials and the media, sending out legal alerts explaining the issues to stakeholders, and voter voice emails, making it easy for constituents to let legislators know their viewpoint and why.
ACSI makes a persuasive case before a judge by means of a friend of the court brief (amicus brief). This is an important method for having a voice in the judicial branch. This is usually a collaborative effort whereby multiple groups that agree with a particular line of argument present a unified case to the court for consideration. ACSI has signed many amicus briefs with others, some of which the Supreme Court has cited in their rulings.
ACSI does a number of other things to advocate Christian education through media, press conferences, and other means.
Department of Labor Overtime Rule
- 10.02.24 - EXPIRED - ACTION NEEDED BY 10/6/24! CLICK HERE to register the DOL Rule's impact to your school.
- 04.30.24 - ACSI Memo - What the New Overtime and Exempt Employee Rules Mean to Your School
- 05.10.24 - Webinar - Department of Labor New Overtime Rules Impact to your School
- 08.15.24 - Press Release - Beacon Center of Tennessee
- 11.07.23 - NPRM DOL Overtime - Exempt Pay
School Safety Resources
Respect for Marriage Act Resources
- ACSI Policy Memo (December 20, 2022)
- ACSI and AACS Joint Letter on RFMA (Updated: December 6, 2022)
- ACSI and AACS Joint Letter on RFMA
- ADF RFMA 1 Page Analysis
- ADF RFMA Substitute Analysis
- Colson Center Breakpoint on RFMA
- US Conference of Catholic Bishops Blog Post
- Liberty Counsel Letter
- Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Letter
- Heritage Foundation on RFMA
Coalition and Legislative Letters
- 03.06.25 Coalition Letter to Protect the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)
- 02.03.25 Coalition Letter to Support the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA)
- 01.28.25 Kansas - Testimony of Dr. John Walker in Support of SB 75 School Choice
- 01.28.25 Kansas - Support of ACSI in SB 75 School Choice
- 09.27.24 Letter of Support to Chairwoman Foxx and Sen. Walberg: Equal Campus Access Act
- 09.10.24 Letter of Support to Chmn Jason Smith: Education Choice for Children Act (ECCA)
- 08.26.24 Letter of Support to Chmn Jim Banks: Military School Choice Pilot
- 12.04.23 Coalition Letter - CWA Eyes on the Board Act
- 11.22.23 New York- Coalition Letter: Proposed Amendment to Sections 3.23 and 3.26 of Title 8 NYCRR
- 07.12.23 Coalition Letter to Oppose the Nomination of Loren L. AliKhan
- 03.15.23 Letter of Support for the Equal Campus Access Act
- 11.14.22 Coalition Letter to Support the Universal Charitable Deduction (H.R. 1704, S. 618)
- 07.26.22 Coalition Letter to Oppose HR 8404 (Respect for Marriage Act)
- 05.10.22 Coalition Letter to full U.S. House, Community Services Block Grant (Charitable Choice)
- 04.04.22 Virginia – Coalition Letter to Support Gov Signing HB 1063 (religious conduct)
- 03.14.22 Coalition Letter to House Ed Cmte, Community Services Block Grant (Charitable Choice)
- 03.17.22 Coalition Letter to Sen. Lankford for Committee Hearing (Universal Charitable Deduction)
- 02.03.22 Virginia – Testimony in House Subcommittee to Support HB 753 (religious freedom/SOGI)
- 01.26.22 Virginia – Testimony in Senate Committee to Support SB 177 (religious freedom/SOGI)
- 12.06.21 Charities' Priorities – UCD Letter to House Committees
- 12.01.21 BBB - Faith Community Coalition Letter
- 11.16.21 CAPE Letter on BBB's UPK/Childcare provisions in the Reconciliation Bill (House)
- 11.16.21 CAPE Letter on BBB's UPK/Childcare provisions in the Reconciliation Bill (Senate)
- 02.24.21 ACSI-AACS Joint Statement on Equality Act
- 02.15.21 Illinois - ACSI Statement on Teacher Certification
- 02.08.21 West Virginia – Coalition Support for School Choice (ESA bill)
- 12.18.20 Virginia - Statement of Support for Religious Freedom
More information from ADF - 12.09.20 Charitable Giving Coalition (Universal Charitable Deduction)
- 06.25.20 CARES Act Equitable Services
- 04.08.19 ACSI Letter to House Subcommittee (Equality Act)
- 04.08.19 Coalition Letter to Subcommittee of Education and Labor Committee(Equality Act)
- 04.01.19 Coalition Letter to House Judiciary Committee (Equality Act)
Amicus Briefs
- 02.03.25 Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington v. Robert Ferguson, et. al.
- 12.12.24 Bethesda v. Cho, cert petition to the U.S. Supreme Court (Religious Autonomy)
- 10.15.24 St. Dominic Academy v. Makin - United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (Free Exercise/Public Benefits)
- 08.28.24 McMahon v. World Vision - United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- 04.22.24 Garrick v. Moody Bible Institute - Seventh Circuit en banc (Religious Autonomy)
- 06.12.23 Hartsoe v. Baltimore Lutheran High School Association
- 02.28.23 Groff v. Louis Dejoy - Supreme Court of the United States
- 10.13.22 Tucker v. Faith Bible Chapel - (Ministerial Exception)
- 09.28.22 Lonnie Billard v. Charlotte Catholic High School - United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
- 09.02.22 Yeshiva University and President Ari Berman v. YU Pride Alliance- Supreme Court of the United States
- 08.12.22 Cambridge Christian School, Inc. v. Florida High School Athletic Association - US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- 08.11.22 Coalition Letter to Support an Amicus in Buettner-Hartsoe v. Baltimore Lutheran High School (FFA / Tax Exemption & Title IX)
- 06.28.22 Tucker v. Faith Bible Chapel - US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
- 01.20.22 Lynn Starkey v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Inc. et al on the merits in the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Court (Title VII Religious Exemption/Ministerial Exception)
- 09.10.21 Requesting the US Supreme Court to take Carson v. Makin (Religion Clauses/Equal Protection/School Choice – Maine)
- 09.03.21 Regarding The Trustees of the New Life in Christ Church v. City of Fredericksburg, Virginia (Religious Autonomy)
- 09.02.21 Requesting the US Supreme Court take the case of Seattle’s Gospel Union Mission v. Matthew S. Woods (Ministerial Exception)
- 08.31.21 Requesting the US Supreme Court take the case of Gordon College et. al., v. Margaret DeWeese-Boyd (Ministerial Exception)
- 06.21.21 Regarding Maxon v. Fuller Theological Seminary (Title IX Religious Exemption)
Court Decisions
- 03.27.24 Fourth Circuit Ruling in Buettner-Hartsoe v. Baltimore Lutheran High School Association
- 07.08.20 US Supreme Court Decision on Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Agnes Morrissey-Berru (Ministerial Exception)
- 06.30.20 US Supreme Court Decision on Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue (School Choice)
ACSI Legal Alerts and Memos on Court Decisions
These member-only notices provide facts regarding important court cases, implications for Christian schools, and calls to action. The most recent Legal Alerts and Memos are as follows:
- 02.06.25 - ACSI Memo - Executive Orders on Sexuality and Education Choice: What They Mean For You
- 02.06.25 - ACSI Memo - President Trump's Policy Shift on Immigration and the Impact on Christian Schools
- 11.19.24 - ACSI Memo - New Overtime and Exempt Employee Salary Rules Struck Down
- 04.30.24 - ACSI Memo - What the New Overtime and Exempt Employee Rules Mean to Your School
- 04.23.24 - ACSI Memo - Title IX Final Rule Issued by US Department of Education
- 03.27.24- ACSI Memo on Fourth Circuit Ruling in Buettner-Hartsoe v. Baltimore Lutheran High School Association
- 01.26.22 - ACSI Advisory - US Supreme Court Stops Biden Admin Vaccine Mandate OSHA Withdraws ETS
- 12.17.21 - ACSI Memo on UPK/Child Care in Congress - Make Your Voice Heard
- 11.09.21 - Fisher Phillips Memo - Schools & OSHA ETS Vaccine Mandate
- UPDATED GUIDANCE 06.17.21 ACSI - COVID Relief - Emergency Connectivity Fund Program - ECFP - May 2021
This page contains member-only resources. Log in to access.
Public Comments
- 11.13.23 Public Comment on HHS gender dysphoria NPRM
- 11.07.23 NPRM DOL Overtime - Exempt Pay
- 08.28.23 CCDBG Public Comment
- 05.15.23 Title IX Athletics NPRM (Title IX)
- 09.10.22 Title IX NPRM Comment (Title IX)
- 04.29.22 ESEA Title VIII Proposed Guidance (Equitable Services)
- 06.10.21 Title IX Hearing (Religious Liberty/SOGI)
- 04.26.21 ARP EANS Implementation
- 02.18.21 SBA Loan and Disaster Assistance Programs (Religious Liberty)
- 12.17.20 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Draft Revised Enforcement Guidance on Religious Discrimination
- 10.26.20 DHS Foreign Student Extension of Stay Proposed Rule (F-1 Student Visas)
- 07.31.20 IFR CARES Act Equitable Services
- 02.20.20 Public Hearing on IRS SALT (Payments made to Charitable Entities)
- 01.31.20 IRS SALT (Payments made to Charitable Entities)
Other Actions
- 07.26.24 Christian Concern (UK) Response to Church of England Bullying Guidance
- 12.20.22 ACSI Policy Memo on RFMA
- 02.18.21 Rep. Bishop Press Release on School Choice with ACSI Support
- 12.17.20 Michigan Member School Op Ed - Religious Freedom
- 09.20.20 Fox News Article - ACSI speaks into national funding needs for private schools
- 06.26.17 Press Release regarding Trinity Lutheran SCOTUS Ruling