
ACSI is at the forefront of advocating a space for Christian education. ACSI regularly submits formal communications to policymakers, elected officials, and courts which address various concerns and legislation affecting religious education, nonprofits, and religious freedom. We partner with like-minded organizations to increase our voice on important issues.   


Current Issues

ACSI members are provided with frequent updates and talking points on current issues in Washington, D.C. These highlights are designed to keep you informed and give you valuable insights for prayer and interaction with legislators.  

  • 03.03.25 Update includes Dept of Education (USDE) memo; USDE abolition principles; new team member; state updates in IL, TN, ID; Global Day of Prayer; Summit; PPLA Webinars.
  • 02.14.25 Update includes Memos to schools on EOs; school choice (ECCA) update; Hill meetings; Radio; Condolences; Day of Prayer; Summit; Legal Webinars.
  • 01.31.25 Update includes executive orders on gender ideology, radical indoctrination, and school choice; National School Choice Week; Charitable Act; religious charter school lawsuit; ACSI Global Day of Prayer; Public Policy & Advocacy Summit.
  • 01.15.25 Update includes the return of Congress; women’s sports victory; National School Choice Week; Educational Choice for Children Act; new PPLA teammates! State update; PPLA Webinars upcoming; Religious Freedom Day.

View All Current Issues  


Engaging All Branches of Government

Amicus Briefs
Judicial Branch

Amicus Briefs

ACSI is active in the legislative process by signing coalition letters, communicating with elected officials and the media, sending out legal alerts explaining the issues to stakeholders, and voter voice emails, making it easy for constituents to let legislators know their viewpoint and why.

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Coalition & Legislative Letters
Legislative Branch

Coalition & Legislative Letters

ACSI makes a persuasive case before a judge by means of a friend of the court brief (amicus brief). This is an important method for having a voice in the judicial branch. This is usually a collaborative effort whereby multiple groups that agree with a particular line of argument present a unified case to the court for consideration. ACSI has signed many amicus briefs with others, some of which the Supreme Court has cited in their rulings.

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    Public Comment
    Executive Branch

    Public Comment

    The Executive Branch is responsible for enforcing the law. The primary means to do this is by issuing regulations. Public comment, both written and in-person, is the process used to influence decisions on regulations.


    Other actions

    Other Actions

    ACSI does a number of other things to advocate Christian education through media, press conferences, and other means.


    Trending Topics

    Department of Labor Overtime Rule

    Department of Labor Overtime Rule

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