Amicus Briefs
Amicus Briefs
- 03.12.25 Tamer Mahmoud, et. al., v. Thomas W. Taylor, et. al. - United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (Parental Rights)
- 02.03.25 Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington v. Robert Ferguson, et. al. - United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court (Ministerial Exception)
- 12.12.24 Bethesda v. Cho, cert petition to the U.S. Supreme Court (Religious Autonomy)
- 10.15.24 St. Dominic Academy v. Makin - United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (Free Exercise/Public Benefits)
- 08.28.24 McMahon v. World Vision - United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- 04.22.24 Garrick v. Moody Bible Institute - Seventh Circuit en banc (Religious Autonomy)
- 06.12.23 Hartsoe v. Baltimore Lutheran High School Association - United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
- 03.10.23 Faith Bible Chapel v. Tucker - Supreme Court of the United States
- 02.28.23- Groff v. Louis Dejoy - Supreme Court of the United States
- 10.13.22- Tucker v. Faith Bible Chapel - (Ministerial Exception)
- 09.28.22 - Lonnie Billard v. Charlotte Catholic High School - United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
- 09.02.22- Yeshiva University and President Ari Berman v. YU Pride Alliance- Supreme Court of the United States
- 08.12.22 Cambridge Christian School, Inc. v. Florida High School Athletic Association - US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- 08.11.22 Coalition Letter to Support an Amicus in Buettner-Hartsoe v. Baltimore Lutheran High School (FFA / Tax Exemption & Title IX)
- 06.28.22 Tucker v. Faith Bible Chapel - US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
- 01.20.22 Lynn Starkey v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Inc. et al on the merits in the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Court (Title VII Religious Exemption/Ministerial Exception)
- 09.10.21 Requesting the US Supreme Court to take Carson v. Makin (Religion Clauses/Equal Protection/School Choice – Maine)
- 09.03.21 Regarding The Trustees of the New Life in Christ Church v. City of Fredericksburg, Virginia (Religious Autonomy)
- 09.02.21 Requesting the US Supreme Court take the case of Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission v. Matthew S. Woods (Ministerial Exception)
- 08.31.21 Requesting the US Supreme Court take the case of Gordon College et. al., v. Margaret DeWeese-Boyd (Ministerial Exception)
- 06.21.21 Regarding Maxon v. Fuller Theological Seminary (Title IX Religious Exemption)
- 03.12.21 Regarding North American Mission Board v. McRaney (Ministerial Exception, Ecclesiastical Abstention)
- 03.11.21 Regarding Carson v. Makin (Equal Protection; Free Exercise of Religion)
- 10.20.20 Regarding Faith Bible Chapel v. Tucker (Ministerial Exception)
- 09.04.20 Regarding CARES Act ESSER/GEER Funds Michigan v. DeVos
- 09.04.20 Regarding CARES Act ESSER/GEER Funds Washington v. DeVos
- 09.04.20 Regarding CARES Act ESSER/GEER Funds NAACP v. DeVos
- 02.10.20 Regarding the merits of the Our Lady of Guadalupe case (Ministerial Exception)
- 09.30.19 Requesting the US Supreme Court take the Our Lady of Guadalupe case (Ministerial Exception)
- 09.18.19 Regarding the merits of the Espinoza case (School Choice)
- 08.23.19 Regarding Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia (SOGI)
- 04.12.19 Requesting the US Supreme Court take the Espinoza case (School Choice)
- 01.22.19 Regarding Woods v. Seattle Union Gospel Mission (Religious Employer Exception; Religious Liberty)
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